Active Member
oh beleive me i know i'm skinny i'm not even close to the biggest guy there thats why i'm on a muscle gaining regiment. i just started 2.5 weeks ago at 6 ft 150 lbs 8% body fat. currently 161 with 8% body fat in 2.5 weeks thats pretty good improvement wise i feel given the time period
this morning i had 4 pieces of toast 4 eggs greek yogurt and milk for breakfast i take creatine in my multivitamin and pre workout and had what i said in the above post after workout. I've always been a very skinny dude and just recently decided i wanted to go from 150 to 180 and make that 30 all muscle, i've been a track running/soccer player since i was 4 i was never built big its not naturally in my genetics but doesn't mean i cant acheive it. give me 2 months and im sure i'll be way better
you got the right attitude. i remember when i first joined p.f. and i felt like a skinny asshole, especially cuz my friends are much bigger than me. but im about the same size as you, 6'2'' 185lbs. im also trying to add about 20-30 pounds of muscle. because you cant add size and get cut, my plan is similar to yours; get big now and cut up later. i play basketball 3-4 days a week, swim 2 days and i got a 9 year old son (we play at the park, go for bike rides, jump on our trampoline,etc.) and ive always had a crazy metabolism, which im sure you also have. if people can drastically change their bodies in a negative way by getting obese or anorexic, then we can change our bodies in a positive way. i read online and it says to eat whole foods but im too damn lazy, because you gotta cook it yourself. hey, like i said you're def doing it the right way, just keep it up and prove the haters wrong. i think this may inspire me to start hitting the gym with some pep in my step. usually my buddies have to drag me there.