2 days ago. Hotel Arts and the Mapfre insurance building, known as the Twin Towers here in Barcelona. It's sunny but it was cold.

Actually, sadly, that cat was missing and found run over. A person who was a dick to me and broke my heart;I had to cut them off owned him. We haven't spoken in nearly a year but they texted me on the off chance saying I was the only person who knew and understood that cat and how much they loved him, so I'm sending them that picture as a final gift. If I see them face to face I'll cry..

Yeah that cat was nicnamed Diablo. A fighter, trickster and would sit on his masters shoulder being walked around the house. They were partners in crime.
Cool! What a strong body he has. Is he half pit bull? I wouldn't let my Minky near him- fierce. Shanti however (my last cat), now that was a proper cat!!
She nailed the head though, I think for a first try it's good, anatomy is always the hardest thing to draw correctly and to scale.
Well done kuroi, keep practicing, you have ability Hun, you just need to hone it. :)
I'm glad I got the head at least because that's what's most distinctive. I'm not so good at concentrating on tone and layering brushstrokes at the same time. I lack painting technique you can see in my lines, but a couple of places I managed not to do hard outlines. Still needs work though. Not as easy as pencil sketches.
No way that's a Maine coon. I don't think they come in seal point anyway. I don't know much about cats but isn't that color more typical of a siamese or tonkinese?
No way that's a Maine coon. I don't think they come in seal point anyway. I don't know much about cats but isn't that color more typical of a siamese or tonkinese?
He looks real hairy though, perhaps a half breed, don't you think it's massive?
i was going by his/her size mainly.
He's a street cat. I fed him on the street for 3 mths and then captured him mid Sept. A RIU friends said his wife thought he was tonkinese. I'd never even heard of them but when I checked on Google I was surprised!! I reckon his dad is a pedigree tonkinese that got a street cat pregnant. There weren't anymore there. The neighbors didn't know either. He's very affectionate and large but not as big as my last cat.
Yes you are dead right kuroi,just went back and looked again,
agreed,Siamese type markings,perhaps Persian, though I think they are hairy.
funny,I had a picture of a totally different cat In my minds eye,even after seeing the picture.
well done again kuroi. :D
I stand corrected!! They do come in seal point! But I see no neck ruff..

Ok I could be right but like I said I know nothing about cats... I'm a dog person. But my kitty is a half pedigree-something street cat too. Maybe I should give in an use google.

Awesome of you to take the kitty in, Lahada!!!
Right then, time to crack the pictures of Biba's out again, this time I'll include her mum Ellie too...lol.
get lahada all fired up and pissed off,hehe!
only kidding about. :)
Have you had him neutered Hun?
i know active males like to spray, it stinks like f*ck given repeated doses and time to get ripe!
A beautiful acquisition though. :)

Ok we'll stop/ drop the pet thing out here!

anyone care to kick off a new subject?
what an adorable cat, but yeah deff on the whole neuter! him cause he might spray EEK youll never get that smell out
Siamese mix for sure. They have true blue eyes. Tonks tend to be bluey-green though he doesn't look like show breed standard he's definitely stunning!!!!!!!