1) Why does it seem so weird Kenny? How do you think I met Tip Top?

2) Sunni... You'd be doing those boobs and beautiful face a disservice if you didn't get on Skype and give him a preview of what's to come lol

3) Buck... I already got your ass on my hard drive for blackmail material lol
Weird? Lost!
funny:in my opinion you look more,'away with the fairies' in the cowboy hat picture. :)

oh granted i was horrible smashed in both but the first one i can just tell by like my eyes ...my 20th year wasnt a good one that hair color is horrible, i look like a giant mess, eh if you cant post your ugliest photos on here then i guess youre hiding :p
oh granted i was horrible smashed in both but the first one i can just tell by like my eyes ...my 20th year wasnt a good one that hair color is horrible, i look like a giant mess, eh if you cant post your ugliest photos on here then i guess youre hiding :p
I already posted all the pics anybody has of me, we're not that sort of family, I and my bro hate having pics taken.
the ones I posted are all I have,no old school pics on the walls round my mums,nothing.
sorry can't oblige.
Kuroi- can u upload pics on to posts with photo bucket from an i-phone?

Sorry guys, we have to leave our inboxes full for security reasons.

Yes you can. I have only ever used Photobucket to post here. One button to upload one button to copy the link. If you have an iPhone you can text me free, btw

No! I'm from the motherland!
not my English at fault,it's my American iPad assuming I want a certain word and me not checking,trying to type to quick without really looking.
laming cheek!...lol!

No excuses lol. I post via iPhone/iPad

yes,a very cute picture honey!
my like sign has vanished though :(

Refresh the page x

oh granted i was horrible smashed in both but the first one i can just tell by like my eyes ...my 20th year wasnt a good one that hair color is horrible, i look like a giant mess, eh if you cant post your ugliest photos on here then i guess youre hiding :p

No pic of you is ugly :3 But you are right, which is why I posted a pic of myself with no makeup and all my hair tied back x
Yes you can. I have only ever used Photobucket to post here. One button to upload one button to copy the link. If you have an iPhone you can text me free, btw

No excuses lol. I post via iPhone/iPad

Refresh the page x

No pic of you is ugly :3 But you are right, which is why I posted a pic of myself with no makeup and all my hair tied back x
you also directed me to photobucket,being a computer retard I couldn't get the jist of it, I signed up,all of that,uploaded pics,I just could get R.I.U. To attach the files... Argh!
i got my old dear to try on her laptop, eventually I had to e-mail pics and she attached to my post.
i'm sure lahada will find it easier as did you Hun.
you also directed me to photobucket,being a computer retard I couldn't get the jist of it, I signed up,all of that,uploaded pics,I just could get R.I.U. To attach the files... Argh!
i got my old dear to try on her laptop, eventually I had to e-mail pics and she attached to my post.
i'm sure lahada will find it easier as did you Hun.
Oh, kuroi, how do you page refresh on an iPad?
i have to load the previous page then come back,a pain in the arse!
The browser (Safari) should be exactly the same as on a computer. Hang on let me take a screenshot of my iPad and upload it. I actually already did a Photobucket tutorial. Honestly, it's not thy complicated hun XD
you also directed me to photobucket,being a computer retard I couldn't get the jist of it, I signed up,all of that,uploaded pics,I just could get R.I.U. To attach the files... Argh!
i got my old dear to try on her laptop, eventually I had to e-mail pics and she attached to my post.
i'm sure lahada will find it easier as did you Hun.

Plenty of threads on this too lol

  • [FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]I think I already posted about photobucket, but I like you so I'm going to make a tutorial using Photobucket on my iPhone x This was a huge mindfuck with the screenshots

    You might want to resize as the iPhone's default image size is kinda big. There are many resizing apps, or simply crop. You might want to also make sure Location Services were turned off at the time the picture was taken. Alternatively, take a screenshot of it with this function turned off to remove the cyber trail, you paranoid fuckers.

    Step 1: Download Photobucket app


    Step 2: Click on the Upload Media tab


    Step 3: Select which photo you want from your camera roll




    Step 4: Click on the My Albums tab


    Step 5: Click on the 'i' tab on the far right for links (this was a mindfuck as the screenshot was identical to what I was demonstrating XP)


    Clicking on the BBCode (IMG) tagged URL will automatically copy it for you


    Final step: Pastey Pastey. But you've seen enough of my face already...[/FONT]​

my galaxy tablet is pretty simple to use compared to an ipad, i recommend them any day over ios becajse you cant take full advantage of apple products if you only have just 1.
All you guys have to do is look for the little tabs and read everything or

This is my favourite line...


There are dozens of 'How do I upload this on photobucket?' threads, an FAQ and if you do not know, ask google!!!! This generation may have grown up with technology but smartphones were still new when I was a child; I grew up with my head in textbooks...