Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
Looking back on what I said, I think that it's unfair and wrong that I didn't mention the person who founded the organisation. A woman called Jane, who suffers from a severe weight problem due to several illness'. She travels all over Europe collecting abused and mistreated animals. She's done this all off of her own back, she's made the organisation a non-profit program. No one pays for the dog when they take them to their new permanent home, all we ask is for a donation of £120(for a pedigree) or £90 for a crossbreed. All the donations go straight into her second bank account which is set up for all veterinary costs and food/toys for the dogs.
Jane currently has over 35 dogs living with her, in her 3 bedroom house, she's a wonderful woman and if anyone should get the plaudits, it's her for the relentless work that she does, even though she pretty much incapacitated due to illness.

I'd also like to put out a big shout to the Vets who are incredible, they do all the check-ups free of charge and any injuries or illness that needs treated is done so for 80% less than the original price. The organisation still owe a lot of money to the vets but they're very good and understand the situation.

Wow! Jane deserves a medal let alone funding!!! Definitely worthy of a RIU donation thread !! :)


Well-Known Member
Three happy healthy cats that now have a loving home:)
Not exactly. The first one came from a rescue centre aged 3/4 and died tragically after I had him for a year. That was Shanti, then I took my ginger Tom tommy off the street with serious kidney problems aged12/14 and had about 9 amazing mths with him. The vet was great and discounted fees as she knew the story. Then after I put him down I went back to the same spot 2 mths later and found my gorgeous Minky. :) so, the death of the first one has resulted in me being able to help other cats.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly. The first one came from a rescue centre aged 3/4 and died tragically after I had him for a year. That was Shanti, then I took my ginger Tom tommy off the street with serious kidney problems aged12/14 and had about 9 amazing mths with him. The vet was great and discounted fees as she knew the story. Then after I put him down I went back to the same spot 2 mths later and found my gorgeous Minky. :) so, the death of the first one has resulted in me being able to help other cats.
I want a cat! Just dont think I cud deal with all the hairs. Arrgghhh, wud drive me nuts.lol


Well-Known Member
Not exactly. The first one came from a rescue centre aged 3/4 and died tragically after I had him for a year. That was Shanti, then I took my ginger Tom tommy off the street with serious kidney problems aged12/14 and had about 9 amazing mths with him. The vet was great and discounted fees as she knew the story. Then after I put him down I went back to the same spot 2 mths later and found my gorgeous Minky. :) so, the death of the first one has resulted in me being able to help other cats.
Sorry to hear about your two cats but at least they had a normal home fo a brief period.


They remind me of two nightclub doormen who don't like the look of me and I know I ain't getting in:)
You will get in with these two. They act like they will eat you alive if you go near my house or yard but, then you walk right in and they lick you to death:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Gretch this am before the suns out.. and I have a new toy for her that she just loves...

laser beams!



Well-Known Member
IMG_4869.jpg Here's Lucy my fifteen year old RCO (Rodent Control Officer) my best friend, and when she hears the bong a bubbling she comes runnung

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

this is my Lucy (left) trying to be a fireman or poledancer or some shit. Generally where Phoebe goes, Lucy follows. Normally resulting in both of them stuck up a tree at the same time.

Dope Fiend

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg <--- at 2/3 months ---> at 12/13 months image.jpg
Heres my princess Kush, she's a 14 month old red nose pit that I rescued when she was 2 months old, my neighbors had her and weren't feeding her and were beating her, so I kind of stole her lol, when I got her she was losing her hair,couldn't walk and tried to attack everyone that got next to her, she had a really bad infection and was on all kinds of meds for like 4 months ($!!!), now she's my best friend and is as healthy, happy, and loyal as can be, I love Kush <3


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2679235 View attachment 2679237 View attachment 2679239 <--- at 2/3 months ---> at 12/13 months View attachment 2679224
Heres my princess Kush, she's a 14 month old red nose pit that I rescued when she was 2 months old, my neighbors had her and weren't feeding her and were beating her, so I kind of stole her lol, when I got her she was losing her hair,couldn't walk and tried to attack everyone that got next to her, she had a really bad infection and was on all kinds of meds for like 4 months ($!!!), now she's my best friend and is as healthy, happy, and loyal as can be, I love Kush <3

+rep and welcome to RIU..


Global Moderator
Staff member
View attachment 2679235 View attachment 2679237 View attachment 2679239 <--- at 2/3 months ---> at 12/13 months View attachment 2679224
Heres my princess Kush, she's a 14 month old red nose pit that I rescued when she was 2 months old, my neighbors had her and weren't feeding her and were beating her, so I kind of stole her lol, when I got her she was losing her hair,couldn't walk and tried to attack everyone that got next to her, she had a really bad infection and was on all kinds of meds for like 4 months ($!!!), now she's my best friend and is as healthy, happy, and loyal as can be, I love Kush <3
Good on you bro.
And ditto - welcome to RIU. :cool: