Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Chek this! I just went to the bathroom for a wee and Minky followed me in there and jumped into the shower area and peed over the drain!!!Not even in the corner! I told him he's a good boy!! How much time and cat litter is this gonna save ? Plus less cleaning and smell in the flat!! If I see him use the toilet next, I'm gonna pass out!!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Chek this! I just went to the bathroom for a wee and Minky followed me in there and jumped into the shower area and peed over the drain!!!Not even in the corner! I told him he's a good boy!! How much time and cat litter is this gonna save ? Plus less cleaning and smell in the flat!! If I see him use the toilet next, I'm gonna pass out!!
My cat used to use the toilet and the bath to go the toilet,once he was locked in for two days over a weekend and all I had to do when I got home was run the tap and flush,he did it without ever being trained or coaxed in any way and there was never a littler tray in the house but he also used to go out when he wanted.


Active Member
Lol I wish my cats had achieved that level of AWESOME! But I am still fortunate enough that they go outside so we don't require a litter box :-o, and that still works for me!

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
well finally got to even him out. I'll shave his "lions mane" off in a week or so. He thinks he is so tuff right now.:bigjoint:

Introducing Riu's One and Only pet lion! Rawr

lion 001.jpglion 002.jpglion 003.jpglion 004.jpg


Global Moderator
Staff member
That's a cool looking dude you have there - I'm a sucker for the really big dogs (and little ones too I guess).
I went into our local sporting goods store to get my fishing/hunting license today (and the place was packed) - my buddy that works there sneaks up behind me & says "No shirt, no shoes, no Boerboel, no service. I told him that the big boy was in my truck & he says "bring him in".
Funny stuff, kids, teenage girls & best of all a couple of hot chicks all had to come over & pet him & give him love'n.
One dude (walks around the corner right next to him obviously startled) says "That's a lotta fukn dog"

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I have to be very careful with new people around him. Especially new dogs. He doesn't play well with others at times. He is very protective of me,my family and my home. We have the inground fence so he can run close to two acres.

The upside to this is we don't have too many unexpected visitors.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Yeah, that's cool & I totally understand.
The big dog I had before this one literally picked up a kid by the leg & shook him (with a fair amount of stitches involved).
He had gotten all excited after having another dog chase my truck (he was chained in the bed) coming home from the grocery store.
Kids in the street were playing & one of them got knocked down. As soon as I let my dog out of the truck he attacked the kid.
The outcome was that the neighbor was understanding, but the dog had to go as I couldn't trust him any longer.
That memory/fear will not leave me.


Well-Known Member
I foster dogs that have been abused and mistreated. We do it completely voluntarily and find it is very rewarding when they get fantastic new homes. We've helped nearly 100 dogs over the last 10 years, treated them like royalty and spoiled them rotten!
I personally inspect the house of potential new owners for these mistreated animals, I make sure that they will be treated correctly and I always keep a close eye on them.

The picture below is a Rottweiler called Roxi, we had her for 7 months and she was a joy. She also saved my life when someone tried to attack me with a knife. She unfortunately got stabbed in the leg but fully recovered. Needless to say, she went to a new home by the ocean and I get regular updates about her including pictures.
This next dog is an Old English Sheepdog cross, she was a lovely dog but... We had no idea what she came with until...
TADAAA! at 6pm one day, she decided to have 12, yes TWELVE puppies... We had an idea that she was pregnant after 3 weeks of her being with us when she suddenly started making a den and putting on a lot of weight
And the puppies at feeding time! It's like a little army :D

We were totally unprepared for puppies, let alone 12! We thankfully had no fatalities, although we were close to losing one of them, a runt which we named Precious(3rd top on the right)

Oh and this was the trouble maker, we named him Smudge because of the white smudge he had on his nose lol.
He also used to keep falling into the puppy food instead of eating it!
2010-10-21 20.33.40.jpg

Edit: The fucking idiot who stabbed Roxi in the leg, spent the next 6 months sucking food through a straw in hospital thanks to a few friends who took a bat to his face. Well deserved if you ask me, seeing as the Police decided there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. Street justice in some cases is justifiable, although I don't usually agree with it.


Ursus marijanus
Yeah, that's cool & I totally understand.
The big dog I had before this one literally picked up a kid by the leg & shook him (with a fair amount of stitches involved).
He had gotten all excited after having another dog chase my truck (he was chained in the bed) coming home from the grocery store.
Kids in the street were playing & one of them got knocked down. As soon as I let my dog out of the truck he attacked the kid.
The outcome was that the neighbor was understanding, but the dog had to go as I couldn't trust him any longer.
That memory/fear will not leave me.
I'm sure that was damned hard to do. cn


Well-Known Member
I foster dogs that have been abused and mistreated. We do it completely voluntarily and find it is very rewarding when they get fantastic new homes. We've helped nearly 100 dogs over the last 10 years, treated them like royalty and spoiled them rotten!
I personally inspect the house of potential new owners for these mistreated animals, I make sure that they will be treated correctly and I always keep a close eye on them.

The picture below is a Rottweiler called Roxi, we had her for 7 months and she was a joy. She also saved my life when someone tried to attack me with a knife. She unfortunately got stabbed in the leg but fully recovered. Needless to say, she went to a new home by the ocean and I get regular updates about her including pictures.
View attachment 2672084
This next dog is an Old English Sheepdog cross, she was a lovely dog but... We had no idea what she came with until...
View attachment 2672095
TADAAA! at 6pm one day, she decided to have 12, yes TWELVE puppies... We had an idea that she was pregnant after 3 weeks of her being with us when she suddenly started making a den and putting on a lot of weight
.View attachment 2672096
And the puppies at feeding time! It's like a little army :D
View attachment 2672097

We were totally unprepared for puppies, let alone 12! We thankfully had no fatalities, although we were close to losing one of them, a runt which we named Precious(3rd top on the right)

Oh and this was the trouble maker, we named him Smudge because of the white smudge he had on his nose lol.
View attachment 2672103
He also used to keep falling into the puppy food instead of eating it!
View attachment 2672104

Edit: The fucking idiot who stabbed Roxi in the leg, spent the next 6 months sucking food through a straw in hospital thanks to a few friends who took a bat to his face. Well deserved if you ask me, seeing as the Police decided there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. Street justice in some cases is justifiable, although I don't usually agree with it.
We need more people like you in the World!!


Well-Known Member
Looking back on what I said, I think that it's unfair and wrong that I didn't mention the person who founded the organisation. A woman called Jane, who suffers from a severe weight problem due to several illness'. She travels all over Europe collecting abused and mistreated animals. She's done this all off of her own back, she's made the organisation a non-profit program. No one pays for the dog when they take them to their new permanent home, all we ask is for a donation of £120(for a pedigree) or £90 for a crossbreed. All the donations go straight into her second bank account which is set up for all veterinary costs and food/toys for the dogs.
Jane currently has over 35 dogs living with her, in her 3 bedroom house, she's a wonderful woman and if anyone should get the plaudits, it's her for the relentless work that she does, even though she pretty much incapacitated due to illness.

I'd also like to put out a big shout to the Vets who are incredible, they do all the check-ups free of charge and any injuries or illness that needs treated is done so for 80% less than the original price. The organisation still owe a lot of money to the vets but they're very good and understand the situation.