Picture of your joints thread


Well-Known Member
PB n freezer now.. I have learned that if you take your PB right from the oven to the freezer you can eat it within about 20 mins of cooling off..

however since I am one impatient person.. I take a pyrex dish toss it into the freezer.
Once my PB is done in the oven.. I take that PB mix and dump it over the frozen pyrex dish I had in the freezer it cuts the waiting to about 10 mins...


Well-Known Member
I knew you could get them, but forgot about them. The last time I tried different papers it didn't work out so great. I had gotten them clear plastic feeling papers and couldn't roll a joint for shit out of them, so I decided to stick with what I know. JOB 1.5
Flavored papers make baby Jesus cry.