Pics. Lower leaves gone!!!


Well-Known Member
naw this is a learning experience for him, so keep it up. Ive read some stories where the shittiest looking plant actually turned out to be a great plant. If its still alive it has hope, thats a motto of a true gardner. Plus its a Fu*kin weed plant don't give up!


Well-Known Member
thanks luarg. honestly i think this plant will be a good plant. It has literally just gotten full sunlight like 2 weeks ago. Also stealth is a necessity so i cant have it get too big anyway.


Well-Known Member
Question. One of you said that my plant is too stretch. I agree and am planning on filling it up with soil but will more roots grow in that soil too or will it just act as a support. Cause all the roots will be down in that lower soil not the newer soil which i will add or will new roots grow out of the stem....?


Well-Known Member
ok assholes i meant really how my plant is looking healthwise. Can i get a pro in here maybe to tell me what went wrong or is going wrong. And i had just watered it with miracle grow. I know it is very immature for its age but i didnt have it in an area where it was getting enough sunlight. It has come a long way since these past two weeks. Anyway can i get a pro to come in here and give me some more tips?



Active Member
3 months holy poo!

that doesnt not look right at all

id say lack of sun deffs
cos its tall and thin

they get taller if they are looking for sun

the leaves are pretty light

feed that poor thing

and i think its getting sick of swiming


transplant it asap

it has potential tho


Well-Known Member
you guys are being assholes to this guy..obvisously hes new give him a break..yes hit the roots will grow into the new soil..these assholes are saying yoru plant is done..its not..what you need to do is quit giving it the miricale grow and if you have a local hydroponics store around your town then go get some high nitrogen fertilizer..the npk rating will look somthing like this 9-1-1 you want to have that first number higher..the next two numbers dont really matter..then when the outside daylight gets to around 12/12 then you can start feeding it a nute that has a npk rating of somthing like this 0-9-0 you want to have the middle number higher..good luck


Well-Known Member
That's not a lot of bud relative to the size of that plant, but if that really is your first grow then you did damn well my friend!
It's only been in flower 40ish days it just stopped growing taller last week.

this is under the lights
taken a few days ago.


Well-Known Member
Firts off stop with the pesticide your spraying the poor lil thing with,then get it out of that pot with the green alge growing on top & plant it straight into the ground,then throw away all fertilizers you've been giving it,its very hard for a plant that small to have a nitrogen deficency,whats happening is your killing it with love by constantly overwatering it & feeding it fertilizer when it dont need anything other than to be left alone.

The reason you were told to transplant out of that pot is because from the constant over watering you've turned the soil into sludge that will never fully dry out,plus with the over feeding you've fertilized the soil to the point its contaminated,the fungus growing on top of the water layer is evidence of toxic salt build up.

Obviously you've had pest problems,after transplanting remove all vegatation in a 3 ft circle around the plant base,this makes it harder for insects to gather round your plant for the feast,at the very least it makes your plant less desireable.

Weather your growing in a bad location or not that plant needs to come out of that pot & it needs it right now,im not shitting you on the fertilizer either,stop feeding that thing & forget about fertilization all together,if you think im giving you bad advice thats cool too but stop & think for a second,the route you've taken with that plant so far has got you one hella sick plant,maybe it's time to realize that you really dont have a good grasp on growing & that you need to take an entirely different approach, instead of looking for a miracle cure that fits the ideas you have about growing.

If you do not transplant,lay off the water & stop feeding it fertilizers your plant will never get any better & that you can count on.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys here are some more updated pics. i really like how she is coming along. Still there are some weird things going on with some leaves and i took some pics so you guys could maybe determine what is going on.



Active Member
3 months?? lookin bad =(
the pot is too small and she´s swimming... plants do not swim
next time try put it on sun in the morning, and complete the light time indoor, like cfl.
i guess it will be better.
good luck with your child


Active Member
looks better than your first picture.

but 3 months?

dang. sorry but you havent done very well

maybe you should read a book on growing. or watch a movie.