Picking Up Some LSD

perf-wheel suck,you need a page press(only thing ive heard them called)..its a huge square blade rotating knife that rolls.think of a lint brush with little square blades..cuts the paper instead of ripping or poking thru it like a wheel..
get one of those,or custies who like chunky acid
personally perfed pages usually suck..they rip,get flimsy,some one allways rips 5hits past what they need to..i like unlined white #14 paper..you can write on it,make it look like a note card ect..very easy to disguise,and ripping is an art form you should practice..no one loses the acid,but never can find the sicssors..lol

I hate when I get unperfed and the lines are all crooked... I'm like yeah this dude was fried makin this lol

I prefer the unperfed though. Don't think I've ever had plain white that was perforated
The white I've been getting this summer has all been a solid sheet, and its much heavier then the art paper I picked up.

I don't know if I mentioned it but I cut a square out of one of those and dropped it with that liquid concentrate to have a little somthing special, and a story when I frame the rest :).
I hate when I get unperfed and the lines are all crooked... I'm like yeah this dude was fried makin this lol

I prefer the unperfed though. Don't think I've ever had plain That was perforated
ive had both..allways unperfed was the champ,but the single best reasonable dose i ever took was perfed..and printed,but a simple line print on blue paper..jerry was allive and dead tour rolled thru..2 1/2 hits had me SPUUUUUN!
I never understood sloppy lines..do it perfectly and you get the over hang in each page(ten pages,100 sheets) which adds up...we kept sucrets boxes full of gel over pour and w.o.w. over hang..literally stuffed with extra..it was the buddy stash..anyone could ask and get as much as they wanted but had to eat it then. and there..we called the extra pieces "crusties"..it was shortened to that from "custies crusts"..its real simple to line a page,just like carpentry,where you measure twice cut once,lining a page you double check your dots on both sides twice,draw once...erasers make the paper look old.lol
Rolling_ruler.jpg get one of these and practice..when you get good at it,you can get a page done in 30 mins easy...
Sounds like a good day.

I've had some fun redosing the next day, but I agree its not quite the same. I wouldn't redose if I only had a few more hits, I"d save them for next week....or at least a few days :). Now when I've got a half a sheet in the stash still....I might say hell yeah lets eat 5 more the next day :).