Picking Up Some LSD

swiss or czech(yes,that hippie is referring to a country,not a check mark)most likely,and bart simpson print is what hes probably referring to..swiss make good L..i had a hook up a few years back,and got to eat alot of it,like a fine wine or cigar,VERY enjoyable,what one would base standards on..czech republic,well..i called it schwamber club 99 in the day..enjoy your fun! hope you get the boogie woogie:-)
I can agree with this from experience. That swiss shit.. The hoffman sheets that I received a couple months back were debatably the best L I have ever had and they were advertised as being Swiss. Such good doses. I took ten at once one night and it was you know.. Insane. But all I could think was.. 'Man, kinda wish I ate 25'. I wasn't let down what so ever. That was a heavy ass ten strip. But it was just such a perfect thing.. Like a fucking 5 year old with a lollipop. Could have easily taken 25, would have been extraordinary! Even more than it already was! Can't complain. I learned a lot about flow and music/art that night for some reason(more than a usual acid trip). Epppiphaanniieeeeesssssssss