Phrases or Words That You Can Live Without Hearing Again

As it were
Fake news (said by folks that think that this is something new)
Boston strong
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it
Our next performer has appeared at the Laugh Factory, The Tonight Show etc etc
Not my first rodeo
Hits you where you live
I'm so and so and I approve this message
For what we are about to receive, may we be truly grateful ... (asking for the ability to be truly grateful is not giving thanks)
There ought to be a law...
Live to ride, ride to live
'Or some shit' in the place of 'or something'
"That's what I'm talking about!"
"You got this"
"At the end of the day.."
"Thank you for your service"
"I get it"
"Go big or go home"
"Let's do this"
"First responders"
"What can I expect for a yield?"
"You're either with us or against us"
"Everything happens for a reason"
"Working hard or hardly working?"
"My way or the highway"
How about "my bad", or "go to guy"