Phrases or Words That You Can Live Without Hearing Again

You know what I mean?
You know what I'm sayin'?
Simple as that.
Evangelical Christian
Man of god
Support Our Troops
Make America Great
Make America Great Again
God's plan
What's wrong with Patriot or Support Our Troops? I understand why you don't like Make America Great Again. But no love for our military service members?
What's wrong with Patriot or Support Our Troops? I understand why you don't like Make America Great Again. But no love for our military service members?
I love our military members, and I love my country. I hate it that these phrases are used inappropriately to further the cause of unnecessary wars and huge stocks of lethal weapons, while putting our troops in needless danger! last. Someone who knows who John Dee is. Late 1500s advisor to Queen Elizabeth. Astrologer, mathematician and on the cusp of alchemy and modern science. Some people consider him to be the first scientist. I like to think of him as the last Alchemist.
the last alchemist? i transmute kief into hash, i make tinctures, i make potions....there are a thousand alchemist right on this site
"That's what I'm talking about!"
"You got this"
"At the end of the day.."
"Thank you for your service"
"I get it"
"Go big or go home"
"Let's do this"
"First responders"
"What can I expect for a yield?"
"You're either with us or against us"
"Everything happens for a reason"
"Working hard or hardly working?"
"My way or the highway"
I can also do without ever hearing “Hey big guy!” again. Oh, yes, also can do without “Giterdone”
Be positive.
Don't judge me.
Detach from the outcome.

Anyone that says anything like that sets off red flags in my camp..
"Well played" ..and it's long-winded counterpart.. "Well played, (insert name here). Well played."

Its like STFU already and let these people fade back into the real world where they belong for the press to start covering people that are more talented and important. and like it will ever happen..