Phrases or Words That You Can Live Without Hearing Again

Joe Rogan
How much can you bench?
Working hard or hardly working?
Cash is king
Bob's your uncle
If I was a betting man...
Used car ads that mention the car's ability to turn heads
I recall hearing Butthead of Beavis and Butthead saying something to the effect of.. "Maybe we should notify next of skin" ..Scripted but still funny as hell.
This post was actually supposed to go in this thread.
Powdery mildew
Clive(the cat) got in the grow room
A real job
Knocking new bong of 4ft counter onto concrete floor
Gunther(the cat) pissed on TV screen
We need an HVAC dude to check out furnace in your grow room
You stepped in dogshit
I told you !
Used car and guitar ads that say something to the effect of "Thinning out the herd" or "Thinning out the stable".