After a difficult discussion we find it to be in everyone's best interest if we parted ways on amicable terms."Thank You for your service"
I absolutely hate it. I volunteered so I just don't want to hear it. Most the time it's fake anyway.
After a difficult discussion we find it to be in everyone's best interest if we parted ways on amicable terms.
Please allow Stan, "ancient" the security gaurd to escort you to your locker and off the property.
I've heard a few. And poor Stan earned his $9/hr. Scared bad. And I would have protected him in a minute. LOL.
I had a pull off his wild turkey. But yes. LOL.That's why Stan smokes weed. Top shelf. Bong.
Lest we forget"Thank You for your service"
I absolutely hate it. I volunteered so I just don't want to hear it. Most the time it's fake anyway.
You seem a little tilted for someone who just want to "Just Be"."That's what I'm talking about!"
"You got this"
"At the end of the day.."
"Thank you for your service"
"I get it"
"Go big or go home"
"Let's do this"
"First responders"
"What can I expect for a yield?"
"You're either with us or against us"
"Everything happens for a reason"
"Working hard or hardly working?"
"My way or the highway"
Just getting it out of my system is all.You seem a little tilted for someone who just want to "Just Be".
People can say whatever they like as long as they're not hurting anybody else and it makes them happy. Being judgemental or easily affected by status quo doesn't really help anyone. Cheers!
Yeah, my dad would zing us when we were kids. We'd ask if he'd seen our "blank", he would always say I know where it is! Where dad? It's where you left itWhen you've lost something,
" I bet it was in the last place you looked"
Feel like replying " why the **** would I keep looking once its found"