Phrases or Words That You Can Live Without Hearing Again

Asking or telling people to "Do me a solid" rather than asking for a favor.
For realz
This is where the magic happens..
Backyard wrestling
Do you know what the speed limit is through here?
Phoning it in
Storage wars or any other tv show with a name that ends in 'wars'
Waxing poetic
Using the word 'large' rather than 'xx thousand dollars'
Official ___________ of the (insert national sports team name here)
Do you have a rewards card?
Private seller car ads that say.. "First to see will buy" (right up there with people covering their license plates with their fingers)
Got milk? Got wood? etc.
Bass ackwards
Corporations, agencies etc. using words that imply that these entities somehow have the ability to collectively emote. "We regret to inform you..."
"Sincerely (enter name of corporation or agency)"
We rollin
We cruisin
Screw the haters
Love my haters
Haters gonna hate
That's offensive
Can I have a piece of that?
Is that gum?
Bad trip
Thought loops
Would you like mushrooms on your pizza?
Would you like pineapple on your pizza?
Anything illegal inside the vehicle?
Any drugs/guns inside the vehicle?
Have you been smoking?
Are you high?
I haven't forgotten about you, I'll give your money back soon
Anti Vaxxers / Anti maskers ( fuck them )
Tik Tok
Okrrrrrrrrrrrrr ( cardi b )
that bitch cardi B
Do it for the “ gram “
cancel culture ( so fucking stupid )
“ What’s my yield ? “
” Which light from Amazon should I buy ? “
” when do I flush ? “
Guy Fieri ... fuck Guy Fieri
Avocado Toast ( wtf )
Part 2

Non Binary / No dick / androgynous or whatever ( just say herm )
Me too
White Claw ( what in the holy fuck happened to booze )
Guys that tweeze their fucking eyebrows
The rock ( bro give it a rest / jumpin the shark )
Riced out hondas
Meatless burgers
Boutique “ strains “
Tiger king ( gtfoh )
white privilege ( wtf is that )
"In my day we had to walk to school. 3 miles up hill each way in a blizzard. And we had to share 2 pairs of boots with holes between my brother, sister and I. And hers were too small."

And personal pet peeve. "Not today" as you discuss ones transgressions as demonstrated every day.
Part 2

Non Binary / No dick / androgynous or whatever ( just say herm )
Me too
White Claw ( what in the holy fuck happened to booze )
Guys that tweeze their fucking eyebrows
The rock ( bro give it a rest / jumpin the shark )
Riced out hondas
Meatless burgers
Boutique “ strains “
Tiger king ( gtfoh )
white privilege ( wtf is that )
Guilty of owning crocs.