Michael Sparks
Active Member
So my fear of heights is a rational fear. Thanks Dr.Tip Top 

i get dizzy looking at pictures.I guess it could be argued that fear of heights when standing on a tall building etc is rational, that's a hell of a drop, but getting funny when watching heights on a television would be irrational![]()
Yeah, i remember (when i was in the army) people would get bit, needed to get the flesh removed. sucked for them for sureThought this was cool... When i was in the army i remember a bunch of people being bitten by these little fuckers!!
I actually had a dream once where one was crawling up my chest while I was lying in bed. I was paralyzed (of course). I could feel it slowly moving up my torso and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Finally, I fought my way to consciousness. The trouble was, I was still feeling something on my chest. Moving. I jumped out of bed screaming, and stumbled to the light switch only to realize it was my hand. I was shaking with fear from the dream.or be sleeping.![]()
Thats actually hilarious!!!well since it was you who cleared it up, no.
i know many an IV drug user who got "bit by a spider". it's called "missing the vein" and it will fuck your day up something bad.![]()
Thats insane... Im not scared of heights, climbing that high, even looking down is not so bad... I think the part that would get me the most is knowing if you would slip and make one little mistake, that could be the end of you... Know what i mean??I used to inspect four towers quarterly - each is 685' tall, climb by hand each one every 3 months & to be honest after the first 75 feet or so you realize if you fall you're gonna die & climbing higher ain't going to make it any worse so you keep going.
One of my guys dropped a crescent wrench from the top & it went clean through the bed of our work pick-up.![]()
YEAH! Where were you based at?? deployemnts?? MOS??Yeah, i remember (when i was in the army) people would get bit, needed to get the flesh removed. sucked for them for sure
I would feel special getting caught in a natural phenomenon, shit that is excitement !cant say i have any fears except of something really crazy like a maelstrom,being caught in a bad natural phenomenon thats scary,other than that bugs spiders animals people no phobias to me.
I was @ Ft.Knox. 63b,44b,88m,92y, 31b. Never deployed.YEAH! Where were you based at?? deployemnts?? MOS??
Why do you have a porcelain doll phobia, do you know ? they kinda weird me out.I have a phobia of needles and old porcelain dolls. I want to smash all those fucking dolls and get those needles the fuck away from me
It's not really "Happy" excitement, I've ridden out a couple Hurricanes (the eye of Andrew went directly over my home immideatly after she made landfall) and believe me it is not all its cracked up to be. At one point during that storm a 10 or 12' two x four speared our concrete block house & made it out the other wall after going through a sofa & end-table !I would feel special getting caught in a natural phenomenon, shit that is excitement !