

Well-Known Member
I am seriously scared of spiders.

Lots of people SAY they have a phobia but this as extreme and irrational a fear as it gets. It's not bugs in general or toy spiders, if it is a spider, regardless of the size I am frozen with fear, crying, shaking, whimpering, or trying to scramble away. I can't breathe, I feel dizzy, all my hairs stand on end and you CANNOT tell me to 'just ignore it, it's only a spider'.

It's not because I think they're 'gross' or something, it's a completely knee jerk reaction. I work on farms and stables, I'm used to dust and rats, bats, lizards, snakes, toads, giant african snails and such- it is just spiders that set off my panic button. THE worst form of torture you could EVER put me through would be tying me up and dangling a spider on front of my face or on my skin.

Vertigo and claustrophobia are pretty normal human instinctual fears, but mine is pretty redundant comsidering no spider around here in the last few millennia could do me much harm. I feel sorry for that woman on the documemtary with a fear of buttons...


Well-Known Member
cant say i have any fears except of something really crazy like a maelstrom,being caught in a bad natural phenomenon thats scary,other than that bugs spiders animals people no phobias to me.


Well-Known Member
I can see being afraid of spiders all those legs and eyes, but i have always saved them, mostly all bugs i have gone out of my way to NOT kill.
its not the legs and shit,they can really fuck you up with poison.I know someone who had to get her guts vacumed out her stomach everyday from a little spider bite


Active Member
Thought this was cool... When i was in the army i remember a bunch of people being bitten by these little fuckers!!

This one here is the Brown Recluse! Probably the most wicked spider bite I've ever seen!!! Brown-recluse.jpg

This is Stage1 of the spider bite...stage 1.jpg
Stage 2...stage 2.jpg
stage 3...stage 3.jpg
stage 4...stage 4.jpg
stage 5...stage 5.jpg

I'm not scared of spiders, but sure as hell doesnt make me wanna hang out with one! Hope you guys enjoyed! Thought this was pretty cool!


Active Member
its not the legs and shit,they can really fuck you up with poison.I know someone who had to get her guts vacumed out her stomach everyday from a little spider bite
I thought it was pretty crazy!! I didnt like your comment cause i thought it was awesome a girl had to get her guts vacummed out, i just thought it was pretty wild hahaha


Well-Known Member
I thought it was pretty crazy!! I didnt like your comment cause i thought it was awesome a girl had to get her guts vacummed out, i just thought it was pretty wild hahaha
lmfao it was pretty awesome from the sidelines and she wasn't to mad either since she had a nice iv to shoot her dope into.


Well-Known Member
lmfao it was pretty awesome from the sidelines and she wasn't to mad either since she had a nice iv to shoot her dope into.
wait a minute, ... you know an IV drug user who got "bit by a spider"?

that's not a spider bite.


Active Member
I think he meant she didn't care that he was watching because the hospital was keeping her hopped up on pain killers... Understand now FDD?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I live in New Mexico. Everything here bites or stings or pinches. This is what we have running around.

Bark Scorpion:

Giant Desert Centipede (my personal phobia):

Sun Spider (I had one of these riding on my shoulder the other night):

Whip Scorpion:

Child-of-the-Earth (Jerusalem Cricket):

Gila Monster:

These are just a few examples.




Well-Known Member
I have a phobia of needles and old porcelain dolls. I want to smash all those fucking dolls and get those needles the fuck away from me


Well-Known Member
I think he meant she didn't care that he was watching because the hospital was keeping her hopped up on pain killers... Understand now FDD?
well since it was you who cleared it up, no.

i know many an IV drug user who got "bit by a spider". it's called "missing the vein" and it will fuck your day up something bad. ;)


Well-Known Member
and to hell with the Gila monster, those things are pure evil. there is no place in this world for poisonous lizards. :cuss:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Spiders, open water, fish. The concept of swiming amongst fish terrifies me, they're all spikey as fuck, they all grow pretty big in the ocean, and well, yeah, in the ocean every fish is a shark so fuckkkk thattttttt. I rememeber the family driving up route 101 i think it was and finding a nice beach. Might have been something to do with a famous explorer, was about 15 years ago, but at the beach there were two signs, one saying something along the lines of AHHHHHHHHHHHH RIP CURRENT AHHHHHH and the other stating that the most recent shark sighint had been a few days previous. I also recall there being some extreme shark sightings the day after my first swim at la jola cove.

Fuck sharks!


Well-Known Member
wait a minute, ... you know an IV drug user who got "bit by a spider"?

that's not a spider bite.
when she got bit they gave her antivenom through an iv so she decided it was a good idea to shoot heroin through it.
i think the vacum was for sucking poison out


Global Moderator
Staff member
when she got bit they gave her antivenom through an iv so she decided it was a good idea to shoot heroin through it.
i think the vacum was for sucking poison out
Sounds like she may have more serious health issues than a spider bite.