ph problem....????


Active Member
ok been veggin 4 about 2 months total ......was using tap water set out 4 a couple days. was working swell ! nice and green..... i understand that the ph of water should be about 6.5 ! been feedin plants 6.5 water with nutes every other feeding ! plants are between 1 and 2 feet! in an organic pro blend mix! PLANTS R LOOKIN LIKE SHIT!!! yellow leaves lookin burnt on sum! light green on others all show signs of yellowing and burnt!!! been using vinager 2 ph down!! cant help but think thats my problem!! under 400 watt hps!! fox farm nutes! any suggestions?? wanna flower soon..... any help is greatly appreceated!!!!!!! was thinkin about using tap water and nutes........thnx!!!

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Chug the vinegar, dude! I've heard it f*ck up plants loads of times. Go to a petstore and get pH-Down, usually used to lower pH of aquarium water. Most of these are made from organic acids extracted from willow trees or other plants and last for about 80l of water.

Keep us posted. Some pics will still be useful, maybe it's something else...still, chug the vinegar.


Well-Known Member
Are you just chucking vinagar into your water jug and hoping its the correct amount? U need some way to measure PH. If I were you, I would flush with distilled water immediately and moniter them closely for about 10 days.


Active Member
hmmmm..... hav a ph tester....u know the color etc..... times r hard couldnt get the ph down heard vinager worked the same.....hav no pics need a digital cam....thnx 4 the advice!!! greatly appreciated!!!!