Ph lockout?

agreed with that, honestly i think she should throw the ph stuff out....and just water.....

another would prolly be the soil, i did a search on here just for the sake of it, and i'd be maybe 80% of the people have a hard time with happy frog, me personally i think it's to HOT right out of the bag and needed to be mix with something since it's a living soil it also comes with it own NPK like 5/7/3 which kinda tells me it has nutes already in it (i could be wrong), imo
Perfect, dont run it through your filters and dont ph it down.See what happens.
Ca is very important I suggest you make adjustments immediately. Ive seen this before it forsure will hurt yield. Its been 9 days since your first thread.What have you done or changed?
I sugested that but hes no longer listening to the advice........ hes going to levetbit to 7 and feed it..... im going to tap on trying to help. Hes just going to do his thing. I tap.
That's the problem I have. That's why I use ro. I only ph my hydro res though. Never my soil. I've not had a need to.

I don't generally keep my water around after I've mixed it. For me, I bypass our water softening system and let the pipes run for a few minutes to clear out softened water then I store it in 1g water jugs (capped) until I need to use it. That gets it to room temperature. I add my nutrients (if I'm feeding) then I check both the TDS and the pH. If my TDS is too high, I pour out some of the mix and add more of our water. Then pH adjust if needed. Luckily my water's pH is ~7 to start, so only small adjustments needed.

I may pH and let it sit for a day and see what it does, just to see. Though really if it buffers out and goes back to ~7 that's not much of an issue for me.

I'm in soil too, though I moved to ProMix to get away from soil that has a lot of 'junk' in it so I have more control over the chemistry.
Well good luck,you'll never learn anything if you dont experiment.
Some good suggestions in the 9-10 pages,ball is in your court now.
Doesn't the bottles come with all the necessary nutes though? I mean, I use maxibloom with ro. That's it. No calmag, no magsul, no calnit. As long as your solution is balanced correctly, it should cover all the bases, no?

You should start a plant of your own on the side, your way, and see what happens.
Not sure exactly whats in the nutes,They do have calmag though.
In the moment it's easy to feel that way...but give it some time. And even so if you have an OK harvest that might change the outlook.
He wont even take yalls advice. So this grow is fucked. Hes still gonna fucking ph down it and hes still gonna fuckin feed it. I was just trying to help and i cant even talk about to him now lol. I thought we women were the emotional ones lol.
ah come on......can't quit now......think we've figured it out......

once you fall down....u pick yourself up, dust off and say "ah shit", time for round 2....pick yourself up and go.......don't stop
I want to. Hes being a cunt. He dosent even want to talk about it. Sais hes going to keep foing it as he has been and not care. Im sorry to have bothered yall
He wont even take yañls advice. So this grow is fucked. Hes still gonna fucking ph down it and hes still gonna fuckin feed it. I was just trying to help and i cant even talk about to him now lol. I thought we women were the emotional ones lol.

u do realize the people in this room, have prolly fell down just like you more than once, even me....and trust me when i screw up it's a doosey.....i just dust myself off.....and go round 2...and say "i'm not doing that again"
I got emotional several times now because of the learning curve. Outdoors cannabis has alot of potential hazards including people that are greedy. Theres nothing like coming outside in the morning to see all 10 plants stolen. I swithched to indoor after that