Ph Levels


can any one give me a definitive answer on the proper ph level for soil grows. im in week 4 of my cheese n have been ph at 5.8 i have done this in previos grows without any noticible disaffects. im hearing so many conflicting reports so any one with the answer help, id rather correct it now b4 its to late, btw if u know the answer to that do u maintaine the ph level through veg and flowering? HELP lol:joint:


heres my babys in week 3, im in week 4 now ill update asap

the small one is blueberry its takin its time but has started to come along nicely, ill up date tomorrow after iv finished transplantin to 10ltr pots,last grow i tried 25 ltr pots but it was all lookin good untill i took a 2 week holiday n left a mate to look after them he over watered didnt turn the exast fan on or fresh air i came back to a house like a tropical jungle stinkin of strange weed i had a look and the plants had been right beside the 600 watt light and where gettin cooked as it grew more n more into the light. fucked the crop royally up, took a good while to get over that one haha


All-Mix was developed especially to be the best potting soil for organic cultivation. It consists of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality organic Worm-Humus , 30% perlite and 5% Pre-Mix.


Well-Known Member
5.8 - 6.3 should be fine... You can check the pH of your runoff to see what is going on.. For example, you mix up 5.8 nutes, water them in, measure the runoff... you get 6.1 runoff, you know the soil must be like 6.3 or something high... this is a way to check what is up in your root zone..


run off isnt too differant sometimes 6.0 sometimes less, depends on how much nutes r left in the actual pot each dieffers slightly witht the ph reader its digital so its precise so its ph'd the same al through veg, i was thinkin maybe bring it 2 6.0 durin flower?

btw ill post updates tonight i repotted 2 10ltrs n they took very nicely, watch this space.


:peace::peace:IMG_0264.jpgIMG_0265.jpgIMG_0266.jpgIMG_0268.jpgIMG_0263.jpgIMG_0267.jpgthese r my week 4 updates. big budda from seed, just repotted into 10ltr pots, the smallest one in the middleis blueberry which is takin its sweet time as u can see. it took the longest to germ n is takin the longest 2 grow, the cheese on the other hand r thriving, im goin 2 start super croppin asap, dont want to top any this time. all plants r on the same feed as above which next week im goin to slightly up the dosage on one r two of the nutes im workin with. at the mo im ph ing at 5.8 i intend on raisin that to 6.2 for flowering when that comes. any input appreciated.:joint::hump: