Ph keeps trending back to 7...ppms too low?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
you can certainly try a higher'll know in a hurry if it's too much though

what fertilizer are you using and how big is your rez?


Active Member
then maybe your rez is too small???

which would seem odd regardless of size for only three small plants though

how big is your rez again?
its a 15 gal tub but its got maybe 11 gal now theres 4 plants- left the one Diesel auto that got sliced in half by a POS cool-tube reflector that came loose and fell off while i was changing the res- out of the pic shes recovering though nicely new growth already


Active Member
you can certainly try a higher'll know in a hurry if it's too much though

what fertilizer are you using and how big is your rez?
2 part Technaflora Nutes, hygrozyme, and cal-mag the reservior holds 15gal but its full about 11 now like i said, its back up to 600 ppm now we shall see if thats too much -if they take a lot more quickly im going to try higher ppm


Well-Known Member
Thats what I read about Snaps: thats what SB does but hes using clones that are vegged for 6 weeks-these are autos froms seed- kind of seems too much for these lil gals- that wont burn them?
Its time for full strength. Never had a plant that age not like 900ppm.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
lose the hygrozyme imo.

not saying that's your problem... but it could be. Either way it's just unneeded ime and never helped me with my root problems when running the stinkbud system.

Not familiar with technaflora nutes...never tried them myself but they are a synthetic yes?

If they are anywhere near as strong as dyna be careful with how much you raise your ec. I wouldn't jump too much at once. I mean your plants aren't seriously lacking anything right now so why blast them with 30% more nutes?

your only problem is that your ph is fluctuating and I really doubt that four little plants are making an 11 gallon rez change that quickly.

get rid of the hygrozyme and see what happens. maybe try adding some more nutes too but go slow over a couple of days.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Its time for full strength. Never had a plant that age not like 900ppm.
well I run @ .5 ec in veg all the time...and they love it. anything higher than .7 and they get serious tip burn.

matter of fact I never go over 1.1 ec in flower reaching 90F with co2

now this is f&d mind you, twice a day floods.

getting ogk colas as big as two fists. think i'm doing something right ;)


Active Member
...sounds like all the advice is here is pretty damn sound :hug:

but just for the hell of it, do you have atleast 2ea TDS & pH meters?
I'm asking not so much to suggest your meters are the culprit, but because anymore they are so inexpensive its prudent to not only not trust them but the low cost makes owning 2ea worth it


Well-Known Member
All hygrozyme does is break down dead organics (unhealthy roots). If you don't need it don't use it. Its not the problem though.


Well-Known Member
If ppm goes down then yes, you need a higher starting ppm. I run aero rails for years now and I start at 750ppm and finish around 1000-1100ppm.


Active Member
Yeah I got a TDS ph pen and drops & know how to use them. Everything calibrated can be trusted. I guess I'm so used to deviating from the recipe chart for so long with DWC. I've burned them at 700 this size w/roots hanging in water..but NFT is so much faster-love growing this way -its just that they are so lush & healthy would be a shame to burn them. The PH as of this am is back up to 6.7 so added a bit of down- the ppms 600 but taking it to 750 & only used a tsp of hygrozyme-didn't think I needed it either but want to be sure. Just shortened my learning curve..Thanks so much for jumpin in and helping me out y'all I got this

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
good for you bro..hope all goes well for you in nft. It didn't for me

although i'm about ready to give it another try with some of my new found knowledge :)


Active Member
Better pics... See the lime green almost yellow tips? All the newest growth is this light..Theres some wierdass lookin growth due to FIM-ing



Active Member
2 hours & ph already inching back up to 6.5 added a tiny bit more down but going up on the ppms..after midnight. the buffer solution is starting to show up on ppms I shouldn't need to be adding this much- the res is almost full but I've got room for about 4 more gallons I estimate- major design flaw..using a yard stick to determine water level is not very accurate- impossible to see inside the res now that it's light proof

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
pretty sure ph up will not register on a tds/ec meter.....regardless of the level...I could be wrong though

I'ma go check this right now in fact.


Active Member
never seen this either actually which is why I report out of both suspicion and curiosity..but then again I never had to add so much before..ppms are up about 30. Is it possible my res is not getting churned up enough to get a good mix throughly?