Ph is not going down


Active Member
ok i have a 5 gal rez and i mixed my flroa nova nutrients with 4 drops of superthrive .. and put 15 drops of ph down and it still says on my meter 6.7!!

i recaliborated my meter and Tested again .... still 6.7 wtf? do i do?/should i continue to add more and more ph down?


Just some idiot
ok i have a 5 gal rez and i mixed my flroa nova nutrients with 4 drops of superthrive .. and put 15 drops of ph down and it still says on my meter 6.7!!

i recaliborated my meter and Tested again .... still 6.7 wtf? do i do?/should i continue to add more and more ph down?
Wait, sometimes it takes a little while for the Ph to adjust. And do it slow, plants don't like Ph changes that are drastic. That's if the plants are already using that water. I usually wait for at least two hours, before adding more.


Just some idiot
What are you using to lower Ph. I know with mine I have to add 1/4 tablespoon per .5 reduction per gallon. And than it also states that this could vary according to the amount of material in the water i.e. Nutrients. So it takes me alot more than 1/4 per gallon to lower .5. Let me know how you make out.


Just some idiot
you can but it would be a waste of nutes, his Ph isn't so bad that he will do any real damage. It can be tough to Ph at times but when you get it on it feels great.


Active Member
got it down to 5.7 perfect 4 me i just waited an hour and it still was the same so i did another 10 drops and its perfect sitting at 5.7 yeahhhhh


Just some idiot
I do 5.7 also, now it will move on you as the plants take up the nutes but it shouldn't be too bad....good job. Sometimes it's a royal pain in the

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Some nutes/additives will change the pH on their own as they are added in, VV.

If you adj the pH first and then add the nutes, you'll be chasing it around and possibly use more chems to get to the target point.

Losta Cal-Mag and Silica products will raise the pH. Some brands of Humics and fulvics will lower the Ph. You just gotta check each one out to see what effect, if any, it has on the base water.