ph fix vs. overwatering


Active Member
Whats more important IN SOIL - to fix ph issues or not to overwater?
If plant shows that he's unhappy is better to straight away fix ph issue or more important is to not overwater?


Well-Known Member
Both. Over watering can cause severe issues, including root rot. Bad pH will prevent the plant from uptaking nutrients. Two completely different issues. Correct them both simultaneously... they are both easy fixes.



Well-Known Member
Fix your pH then....And help out on the overwatering issue by making sure plenty of air is circulating around your pots and that they are off the floor. Possibly even drop your humidity if you can (turn on the central heating if you have it, that sort of thing, as long as that doesn't mean your plants get too hot!)


Well-Known Member
Whats more important IN SOIL - to fix ph issues or not to overwater?
If plant shows that he's unhappy is better to straight away fix ph issue or more important is to not overwater?
If my plant is a "he", I want him unhappy. In fact I want him dead. I'm not a breeder.