Ph dropping slightly, ppm stays the SAME, day 3 of 12/12


Active Member
I'm on day 3 of 12/12.

Critical +
2 Vanilla Kush
Cali Hash

I foliar fed 2 days ago with 1/8th Foliage Pro & 1/8 MagiCal.

Everything looks good. Had some minor issues before switching, also pulled some clones, but things look good. Healthy happy green.

I know the ph up & down in correlation to the rise & fall of ppm. But what does it indicate when the ph drops slightly (.3) with no flux in ppm? Is this a normal thing when flipping to 12/12?

5.8 ph
310 ppm
68' h20

RO 10 ppm
600 hps
Feeding 15 minutes every 3 hours

Yes, I know 310 seems low, but every time I increase, they show nute burn. I'm quite certain they will be wanting more shortly.

My roots look great.

Would love to know what ph drop w/o ppm drop indicates. Thanks for any help.


Active Member
It's 16 gallons, 4 plants, and it hasn't done that before. Due to space, I don't believe I can get a bigger res. Why do you feel that would help?