PF Tek Upgrade


Well-Known Member
How To Grow Psilocybin or Panaelous Mushrooms.

Ok, so, first I want to make it clear that this Tech is for Personal Religious growing, not for Manufacturing for sale. Psilocybin mushrooms are illegal to grow unless you are growing them sacramentally, but Panaelous Mushrooms are legal to grow for novelty. Both of them are illegal to have in their dried form unless you are using them as sacraments. This is similar to how the Native American Church grows and uses Peyote for their sacrament.

If you have ever thought about growing mushrooms, you have probably read the PF Tek, where you make "Rice Patties" or whatever and grow out of those. And that method was invented in the 70s. The world has since then made a few discoveries, so here they are. Let me know if I miss anything.

The first step is to start the same way as you start a traditional PF tek, where you have sterilized Mason jars with substrate and Vermiculite. You innoculate the Jars, just like in the PF tek, and you let the Mycelium grow until it has taken over the Jar/Jars.

Once you have a strong Mycelium, you set up something. You want to make a container (plastic storage container or something) in the container you put a layer of Coco Coir, then a layer of Oat Straw, then a layer of Brown Rice Flour. This should fill about 1/5-1/4 of the container.

At this point you do something that you would NEVER have done in the PF tek... You take your Mycelium patties, and break them up gently wearing sterile gloves. Set them in the Oat straw, then Gently cover them in more Oat Staw, cover that with Coco, then cover that with Vermeculite. And every day use a spray bottle to keep the container humid.

Once this is finished it will be a giant thing of mushrooms instead of just a few growing out of patties. And once you are finished, you can dump a little water on the Coco brick, flip it over, and grow more out of the other side. Some probably grew on the bottom all squished up also.

That's it.... yet again you have managed to make my ball's hurt
he worships the holy cock..loves the penis envy..kneeling,beending over..dont matter as long as hes praying 24-7..
wonder why as christmas nears,his posts increase...?cant knock a REAL hustle...
Pretty sure they're illegal no matter what religion you partake in...

Wrong, there is a Native American Mexican tradition. And Panaelous are not illegal to grow at all. They are LEGAL to grow and sometimes contain more Psilocybin than Cubensis and others of that Genus.
PF Tek is horribly dated. Do Not Use

Colonized grain is for putting in compost, not fruiting.

He who fruits cakes is a fruitcake.

One person is a nutfuck. One thousand people is a religion.
The Church of the Blinding Psychadelic Light.

If you eat it and you see the light, it must be a sacrament.

Ask Brother Kervork for Details
Wrong, there is a Native Americdelcan tradition. And Panaelous are not illegal to grow at all. They are LEGAL to grow and sometimes contain more Psilocybin than Cubensis and others of that Genus.
you dumb shit,psilocin is illegal,they test the shit they arrest you with for dea will go to jail fucktard.
MEXICO is not 'MURICA...and back tracking and adding to what you say doesnt help the guys who read your shit and get arrested..
"but finshaggy says if im native american,i can grow shrooms"...
"oh shit,only in mexico..sorry officer,ill just flush need to arrest me,i was just praying..have a good day officer..what,those shrooms?nooooo those are im good officer,you can go dont believe me,call finshaggy.."
actually under state law in florida fresh undryed cubes are legal , not to cultivate, eat, sell, pick but just posses

Ive heard theres a similar law in britain. like if a flush of magic mushroom was to ''appear'' in your backyard you cant be arrested for growing them because they occur naturally. Dont recall anything about posession though.
Also i like growing in plastic tubs, little work for too much yield.
Anyone got any strain reccomendations? Ive messed with cambodjan and thai, crossed those from isolated clones, and also z strain. ive finbally found a couple of other people who are into tripping too so imn much more motivated to grow different things and hopefully be a bit more assiduous with my trips, een slacking off tbh lately.
Also any decent spore suppliers that ship to europe?
Wrong, there is a Native American Mexican tradition. And Panaelous are not illegal to grow at all. They are LEGAL to grow and sometimes contain more Psilocybin than Cubensis and others of that Genus.
Where are your sources? PS I'm Canadian so mexican laws will hold no water...
If you grow ANY psilocybe mushrooms in the united states you are guilty of manufacture or conspiracy to manufacture a controled substance. Period.
PF Tek is horribly dated. Do Not Use

Colonized grain is for putting in compost, not fruiting.

He who fruits cakes is a fruitcake.

One person is a nutfuck. One thousand people is a religion.
The Church of the Blinding Psychadelic Light.
If you eat it and you see the light, it must be a sacrament.

Ask Brother Kervork for Details

We agree, but grain cultures are a shortcut to monocultures in certain species, cubes and oysters being among them. I have yet to get shaggies to fruit on any grain. Been having luck with spent coffee tho.