Peyote Ceremony

So I just looked at the map, and it is a 7 hour and 56 minute drive to the festival. Thats do able I think, now I gotta find someone to watch my daughter. She's only 4 so I'm not thinking it would be a great place to bring her. It would also greatly limit my ability to party :). We'll see, we'll see.
youd be suprised that despite all tge debauchery at these things,people are respectful of family,and,usually,there are family camping areas,that way you dont need to explain why molly is such a popular girl at this
You'd probably be fine bringing your daughter, but that's up to you! Most festivals are family things. A 4 year old wouldn't understand the dilated pupils, they'd just understand the smiles, music and games :)

So I went to the ceremony Saturday night and wow. Peyote is amazing first off! I went in there with about 5 things that I wanted to figure out for myself. And it literally showed me all of them right in front of me, inside of my own head. One of the things was that I wanted to figure out how to use and notice chakras. I figured it out very fast. Not all the way. But at least now I know where and how to look for them. I figured it all out because of this rock.. Haha. I could see energy too. The radio was spitting patterns out because the music was coming out of it..

After I meditated on all of my problems and figured out what to do with them, I felt refreshed. Not a problem in the world. Then I remembered my friend saying that one of the times he did peyote, he saw how the universe was put together. Then my vision field moved forward and it looked like a little TV screen with black on all sides. It said, 'Here, I'm gonna show you that too.' And then these psychedelic wrenches came out and moved around my vision and put it together. It was very strange.
I could see this white stuff oozing out of these three ladies pupils and spilling all over them. It was awesome, someone else mentioned it and they said that it was their auras. There was a point where I just sat next to the fire with everyone and listened for a good while. I could hear my friends talking behind me, and the people talking at the fire. Listening to every word with a big smile on my face and absorbing it all. Those conversations were really interesting. All about Aliens and the whole gnomes, fairies and sprite subject. Also just various things about life, traveling and farming.. Also quantum mechanics xD
I went pee at one point before we started talking about Hidden Folk and when I was in the dark, I could hear these tiny voices and see these tiny silhouettes, I knew something was looking at me from just a few feet away. It was funny how uncomfortable that was but I took my time to stand there and feel weird. One of my friends mentioned this and it caused a whole talk about fairies and stuff because a lot of other people heard it too.
The strangest thing about that stuff is how gentle and nice it was. And the fact that it kind of feels like a vivid dream when it's over. Not to mention how it makes your voice sound like you just huffed some whippits.

The guy that runs the whole thing is very calm and collected. Great man! He's all about doing what you do and letting it do to you what you want it to do. There was no bad vibes there except this one lady. She was weird, I couldn't even look at her face.
We all shared what happened during our peak and she had a bad time? I had never even heard of that before. She did it to herself. Almost like she already had in her mind what it was going to do and then it did.
She explained it as, it told her that what it was showing all of us and what we were 'vacationing' on, it showed her the exact opposite. She said she was in this pit of despair, and it was all hateful basically.
It was the first time she had ever taken a psychoactive substance.
I really don't understand that. I literally tried to find a bad trip report and couldn't even find one! Not even on erowid. The bad ones were all due to taking peyote with about 4 other psychedelics!

Anyways, I love it in that place. I said earlier what the plan was and it's a little different. I'm going to save money until my friends and I can build an Earth home and live there on top of the mountain. I want a sitar first so I can play it on top of the mountain every morning haha. I feel like it'd be better for me to just go down there and live because there will be much peace and quiet along with how nice everyone that lives down there is.
Man High, that sounds like an awesome experience. Obviously other then the weird lady :).

I had considered bringing her. I guess I didn't realize the family camping was seperate, I suppose if I just tripped during the day, and then went and slept and hung out with her at night it could be a way to handle it. We are very used to partying at night once she is in bed, but at a festival I'm not just gonna let her go to bed and then run off someplace and party :). I'm sure she was love the music, dancing and other kids. Hmm I suppose its something else to think about.
Haha, thanks Thundercat! It really was :)
It's just something to ponder.. I could imagine though bringing a child would be a bit much for you to handle personally and you may have a better time if she wasn't there. My father used to trip in front of me when I was little and I never put 2 and 2 together until I was older. Then I asked him because once I started tripping I started thinking man, I remember my dad acting like this. It was good for the hugs and love though that's for sure. When I was a kid I just thought he was being really nice to me.

Bongwater, look up Native American churches in Canada. You'll probably find something that lets you eat peyote. Otherwise, peyote is extremely hard to find as far as I know.
And if all else fails(which I'm sure it won't because they're all over the place), buy some san pedro cuttings or peruvian/bolivian torch and host your own ceremony with your pals. Just make sure there's a fire and drums around :p
I took some pictures haha, during the actual ceremony I was way too busy being in awe to even attempt to pick up my phone, but before-hand my buddy(grizzly adams with the beard) started stacking rocks at this creek, so we all did it too! It's actually fun for some reason! xD
Then I took some peyote home so next week, my buddy and I are going to eat our pill caps and hang out on these bluffs not too far from where we live.


I think these ceremonies are great, and now understand why medicine men are important. This world is pretty nasty, if everyone with their 'mental disorders' and 'depression/anxiety' were prescribed peyote instead of prozac, just one time, this world would be a whole lot better.

Edit: Not to mention power trips.. Haha
shoulda gave the virgin tripper more..she was in between and struggling leaving here and going time make sure without a doubt shell get to the gotta be a good conductor to ride that train.
Haha, thanks Thundercat! It really was :)
It's just something to ponder.. I could imagine though bringing a child would be a bit much for you to handle personally and you may have a better time if she wasn't there. My father used to trip in front of me when I was little and I never put 2 and 2 together until I was older. Then I asked him because once I started tripping I started thinking man, I remember my dad acting like this. It was good for the hugs and love though that's for sure. When I was a kid I just thought he was being really nice to me.

Bongwater, look up Native American churches in Canada. You'll probably find something that lets you eat peyote. Otherwise, peyote is extremely hard to find as far as I know.
And if all else fails(which I'm sure it won't because they're all over the place), buy some san pedro cuttings or peruvian/bolivian torch and host your own ceremony with your pals. Just make sure there's a fire and drums around :p

lol i just looked that up and you can legally go to native rituals and eat mescaline, thats fuckin sick lol
old news case you didnt know,you have all sorts of magic shroom destinations in the world,or your could go to portugal,where all personal use posessions of ANY drug is legal...
lmao, thats great.

I tried to see if there is a native american church in my state. It seems there is, I believe it is located about 3 hours from here :(. I didn't dig deep, but didn't see anything about the ceremonies yet where I looked. I would love to get to experience peyote, especially in such a traditional way.

Oh yeah hey rory, I got my first art sheet yesterday. Its this one

now I just need a way to dip it..........

I was just told yesterday I could get some strips of this sheet

but dude only wants 10 and doesn't seem to want to wheel and deal with me. I told him if he can give me a real price I'll take a sheet. I gotta sit down with him this weekend I hope and maybe we can come too an agreement. I'm done paying 10 now that I've got some other friends and can get stuff for 6.
beware the simpson print..usually hot items are discontinued by family but used by others as ways to move it quicker because of its rep...not saying its fake,just would be weird..
gonzo acid prits rule..ive seen a few prints regarding h.s.t...
now you need a mg scale,an erlynmeyer(is that how its spelled?)beaker,a pyrex pan or photography pan,3k ml of ethanol,gloves,masks,blacklight,thongs and plastic solo cups(dry your pages flat,dont hang them..thats a no no)..oh,and of course a gram of raw lsd:-)
Yeah, I'm missing 4 of those items. I can get the scale, ethanol, and blacklight easy enough I think. I'll bet you can guess what the 4th item is, and why I don't have it :).

I would only need 1 mg for a single page like that though right. A gram would do 10 of those blotters wouldn't it? Not that I would complain if I had a gram, and needed to buy more blotter hehe.
Pssh its not getting dipped man, at least not any time soon. There are a few large obstacles, even if technically they are very small obstacles..... I'm no where near connected enough, I'm still getting charged chump prices by one guy. For now I am just gonna start a little art collection.

Someday though, someday,now I'll keep following the path to spread the love and it will all unfold I'm sure of it. Just gotta make some more friends and family :).