Peruvian's Mescaline ISO Exctract TEK

Um jerseys: compras peru? yes many people in various states of the US have had fast and reliable shipping from there site. Yess thanks for the correction its def a shit ton of bufo. So my teacher has around half a kilo of mescaline tar (so insane i know) and he told me to ask if anyone had some (non toxic ) tar defats. Im thinking white vinegar ph round 3 4-5 pulls and salt?? Opinions?
Vinegar won't defat. It will demescaline. It's an aqueous acid. What dissolves alkaloids? Oh yeah. You want a light oil, you mentionedthat limonene is not really available by you, what is? Worst case scenario you can use a light cooking oil. You probably want to use alcohol for a rinse afterwards to get rid of it. You lose some product that way but food safe and nonpolar solvents don't overlap much on a venn diagram.
Personally I'm quite fond of ether because it evaporates so cleanly and quickly, but it has it's own risks and is a pain to find in many places. A low molecular weight alkane works well (pentane, hexanes, n-heptane) and can generally be found without much of a problem.
Imma go round to the Quimica Suiza which is the general chem supplier round here, ill be looking for something to clean that shit up. Ill let you know whats available after manana. Also cool new project coming up ( found huge chacruna Psychotria Viridis bushes in a park by my house, getting some cappi from Teacher, ayuahscha ceremony (1 week)
Hexane is about as food safe as the acetone that the tar was made with, why can't you just use a non ploar solvent?

Can acetone even dissolve fats to be in the tar?
Vinegar idea = horse shit. Had very dry mescaline tar 20 grams mix it with ph 3.4 vinegar water, and the supposed orange separation tht people say should happen just never occurred it turned into n even bigger mess of nasty ass vin, agua, cacti mix. Had to evap all now I have 24 grams of vinegar smelling cacti tar. Any ideas on how to flush this crap out
You were supposed to wash the vinegar (that has the dissolved tar in it) with a solvent to pull all the non water solubles from the tar/vinegar.
The solvent forms a layer called the organic layer and the other layer is the aqueous layer and it holds the mescaline.
Once you guys have figured out a good route to a desirable end result, I will return. Until then. Good luck bitches.
but there was nothing to wash no layers nothing. I threw the tar in a jar put some vinegar water in it shook the shit out of it got nasty ass green black liquidy mixture that reeks of vinegar, no cute little orange layer that i could pull off. Maybe im just retarded and dont understand the concept. I have a bunch of tar and 0 access to any non-polar solvents does this mean there is nooooooooo way to clean up the tar and I should stop whining and stomach it, or are there any other (supermarket) possibiites.
That's what I'm waiting for. Boiling down this tek to the best, easiest, descreat method that can be used. Without doing any of the work of course. And that's... The American Way.
The layer to wash is the vinegar and you wash it with a nonpolar solvent.
The layer forms after you add your solvent. (The solvent being one of the layers)
Colemans fuel, lighter fluid, certain paint thinners, arts and crafts solvent? You can't find any of these?
Without a NPS I think your going to have to stick with the tar.
Yea lighter fluid will work, you just have to research the kinds you can find and make sure there aren't any additives.
Can you find VM&P? If you can, then use that.
Yep VM is pretty good stuff. I've never used naphta for cactus extraction though, more of a xyleen/HCl kind of guy.
yep that is nice too, although I'm not fond of most dlimo extracts, especialy a pain with dimitri... The older I get the lazier I get which is a painfull condition combination with perfectionism.
Yea xylene or toluene seem to go a lot faster.

They can be rather nasty to work with at home though. Definitely should have some good ventilation/ body protection if working with them.
D-limonene is a nice alternative. It's nice to work with a food safe solvent, and I can let my extraction sit around while I take my time without worrying about that nasty chemical smell lingering through every room. Just the smell of oranges which isn't a bad thing.