Peruvian's Mescaline ISO Exctract TEK

WOOW thanks everybody for the great feedback, means alot. Concerning the microdot I agree completely...horseshit. I'd say ANC is right i saw a ++ dose of mesc come in a two pills COMPRESSED hard. Now concerning the shot, I thought since I was blurring the facial aspects of the picture that throwing in some humor couldnt hurt:) Thanks a bunch for the suction method, thats a real cool idea as my syringe method caused clogging. +rep. Just picked up around 70 kilos of fresh skins at the market today, gonna try had at bulk A/B extracts stay tuned :)
Yeah microdots aren't mescaline. A fact I've tried to explain to far too many people over the years.
This looks like a fine ISO extraction, but why bother, it gives a crap product anyway. A/B is just as easy and can give you a really high quality product. Acidify, defat, basify, nonpolar, salt, recrystallize. Bam. High purity mescaline, not a tar of unknown purity that can't be accurately dosed.
Ez ab
This is an excellent extraction tek. All credit goes to Ekstaza for the pictures and text. This is the simplest full extraction that I've found. It doesn't require a seperatory funnel and it's written in simple step-by-step recipe style wording. This was written to accommodate people who don't understand the chemistry completely. All of the steps are for the sole purpose of extracting mescaline and turning it into mescaline hcl.

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Items you'll need
1. At least 2 glass or HDPE(should show a triangular recycle symbol with a 2 inside of it somewhere on the bottom) plastic jugs or jars. HDPE is preferred because strong lye solutions will etch glass and cause it to break eventually. I know first hand.

2. RedDevil brand lye

3. Muriatic acid (HCL or hydrochloric acid)

4. Acetone

5. Xylene

6. turkey baster

7. a glass or stainless steel funnel

8. cotton balls

all easy to get items (use NO aluminum)

You should not use any type of open flame at any point during this extraction. Use adequate ventilation at all times.

Preparing your cactus
You'll want to begin with dry powdered cactus if you can. You can dry slices of cactus in the oven with low heat and then use a coffee grinder to powderize it.

NOTE: I've experience a severe reaction to breathing the powder. It screws up my sinuses for a week or two. I'd suggest using a face mask to prevent it being inhaled. Also I have noticed irritation to the eyes if the dust comes in contact with them. Be careful.

Prepare a solution of lye water by slowly mixing together 1 TBS of lye for every pint(8 TBS/gallon) of cold water that you think you'll need to completely cover you dry cactus. This will produce a little heat so don't be alarmed. Just swirl it around slowly as you add the lye a little at a time. This is what I will refer to as base or basic water.

Next add you dry cactus powder. Mix the contents thoroughly to ensure that you expose all of the powder to the basic water.


Now add about a pint or so of xylene to the mix. You want enough of a layer to be able to draw off the xylene with the turkey baster later. Shake it all up and let it sit for an hour. This is what it will look like just after shaking.


If after an hour you can see that the xylene layer is separating back out, fine, if not, add a little more pre-made basic water and check again. Now shake it back up and put it away for 24 hours (every second of it).
This is after three hours.


24 hours later, you want to draw off the xylene so now you need to use the turkey baster to suck it up and put it in a new jar(a mason jar works fine). You don't want any of the water from beneath the xylene to come with it.


And put it into your salting bottles


Now you want to mix your acid water in order to dilute it to the proper strength you want. Be very careful not to breath the vapors that come out of the bottle when you open it. HCL comes very strong and it will burn you.

You want to add approximately 4-8 drops of HCL acid to 1.5 cups of water. Slowly add this acid water to the xylene while gently swirling the liquids around in the jar. Add just enough to make a half inch or so layer beneath the xylene.


Don't worry that you won't get all of the goods because the xylene is going back into the extraction bottle and you'll get another shot at what you missed before. Put the lid on the jar and shake it all up. Wait a few minutes and shake again.

Once it has returned completely to a separated state loosen the lid on the jar and place it in the freezer. You want the bottom layer(the acid water) to now freeze solid. The xylene will not freeze. Once the water is frozen, work quickly and pour the xylene back into the extraction bottle.

With the water still frozen solid, pour in a little warm water and swirl around and discard quickly. This helps get rid of a little more residual xylene. The rest will evaporate later.

Repeat the extraction and salting steps 4 to 6 times to get all of the goodies. You can reuse the xylene over and over again.

Now thaw out the water and put it in you evaporation dish. A large flat bottomed pyrex dish works best. Using heat(heating pad beneath the dish) or not, fan dry it to evaporate the water from the dish. This may take some time depending on how much water you used.

Once all of this is dry you will see a crystalline residue left on the dish.


This pic shows off a mistake that I made and one that some of you may make also. On the right side of the dish you can see a huge brown spot. This happened because I used too much hcl acid in the salting step. This, however, is not a big problem. It will all be gone after the cleaning step, plus much of it evaporated with the water. I might could have even avoided some of the discoloration by evaporating slower, giving the hcl more time evaporate.

Scrape it off with a razor blade. Mescaline hcl will be a brownish powder.


This is from the first scraping from the first salting. It actually turned out much better than I normally expect. It can be used as is but the next procedure is simple if you've got this far.

Put a cotton ball in the spout end of your funnel so that it can filter.


Mix some acetone with your extracted alkaloids. I use a mason jar so that I can swirl it around easily. You want to get every piece of mescaline washed with acetone, so mix it in good.

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Next, pour it into the funnel with a clean dry jar to catch the liquids. Use acetone to wash loose needles, that remain in the jar, into the funnel.


You will notice some color draining through with the acetone. Wash like this with fresh acetone until little to no more color is draining through. Put the funnel somewhere to dry.

Once all acetone smell is gone from the funnel and it's contents you need to pour some hot water into it with it positioned over the evaporation dish. The hot water will dissolve the crystals and allow them to flow through the cotton into the dish.

Evaporate as before. The resulting crystals will be considerably whiter and more pure. This is not only for aesthetics, but also it makes for more accurate dosing.

You can put this powder in capsules to facilitate simple dosing with pre-measured amounts in each capsule.
gosh, if u dont shake the lye water in an aluminum container then it wont work. open lid n ignite, presto magic.... i mean what?
You really want to do a defating step with cactus extractions. Before you hit it with base acidify and extract with your nonpolar solvent. Pitch the nonpolar layer. Then basify your aqueous layer and extract the mescaline.
Not only is the defatting good for the obvious reason(to defat) but it also pulls the non polar chlorophyll too.
Some of the alkaloid impurities can be good but I would rather have completely pure than alkaloids and other impurities.
I might have a strong stomach but eating cactus isn't for me, I would rather have an extract any day.
What I meant is a little dirty sanchez, not eating cactus..... :) I hate vegetables.
Not only is the defatting good for the obvious reason(to defat) but it also pulls the non polar chlorophyll too.
Some of the alkaloid impurities can be good but I would rather have completely pure than alkaloids and other impurities.
I might have a strong stomach but eating cactus isn't for me, I would rather have an extract any day.

Some of the other actives can be nice, some can be a bit tough on your system, some can be.. oh.. stupfiying, sort of casting a veil over a liquid pure mescaline experience, I would rather have the clarity of pure. I don't know anyone who has had peyote and pure who prefered the peyote.

Oh, and about the size of a pill? We had big old capsuels packed full of longish greyish spicules.
Ya defats a must, but idk on whether im more of a fan of pure or normal. If there were a tasteless cactus tea with all other alkaloids included i would opt for that anytime, the chaman i am following here was not to excited on me doing a/b extract as he sees it as killing the rest of the pedro and just taking the mescaline "la purificacion es la clave para la sabiduria" <<The purification is the key to wisdom. He is saying if i wanna clean my tar a bit i can do a water/vinegar clean to defat a wee bit; but he sure wasnt happy when i was busting out the muriatic acid the other day :/. Trying to do a non-toxic food safe extract but d-limonene aint the easiest thing to come by here.
Ya defats a must, but idk on whether im more of a fan of pure or normal. If there were a tasteless cactus tea with all other alkaloids included i would opt for that anytime, the chaman i am following here was not to excited on me doing a/b extract as he sees it as killing the rest of the pedro and just taking the mescaline "la purificacion es la clave para la sabiduria" <<The purification is the key to wisdom. He is saying if i wanna clean my tar a bit i can do a water/vinegar clean to defat a wee bit; but he sure wasnt happy when i was busting out the muriatic acid the other day :/. Trying to do a non-toxic food safe extract but d-limonene aint the easiest thing to come by here.

When Maria Sabina was given pure psilocybin she commented that the sprit of mushroom was within the pill and it would be great for her people when the mushroom was unavailable. And then, yet again, there are fewer inhibiting chemicals in a mushroom than there are in cactus. I wonder what your teacher would think about taking a pure dose himself.
What one looses with extraction of mescaline, are the waves of other alkaloid activity starting, overlapping and ending.
Its a symphony rather than a piano solo.

I have still to see a psylocybin extract that is crystal and active...
Im sure one day he'd probably try it, he introduced me to another thing Yopo snuff ( I unkowingly walked under the trees every day never knowing the dmt properties.) psyloscibin extract : have never seen one but sounds like a fantastic idea, imma look at some tek's id love to try that
Ya we just pick the yopo's off the ground (theyre everywhere here) and you take 3-6 heat em, deshell em, mortar and pestel and mix three parts yopo powder per one part edible lime. And youve got yourself and extremely painful and intensely hallucinogenic snuff. Not to sure on what my thoughts are on it, its seems the prominent form of dmt in it is 5-meo which can have very good or very bad effects. A nice quote to describe it, "I snorted and felt as if a psychedelic horse had kicked me in the face"
The main active compound in yopo is bufotenin(5-OH-DMT).

I've never had it myself but the stuff is interesting.

Grandaddy, an extractio is easy, acetone to extract and and acid to precipitate the bufo straight from the acetone.
I've heard that the shaman yopo snuff hurts really bad and you have to do a good line to get the effects.

How about bumping 20-40mg of pure bufo crystal!
Um jerseys: compras peru? yes many people in various states of the US have had fast and reliable shipping from there site. Yess thanks for the correction its def a shit ton of bufo. So my teacher has around half a kilo of mescaline tar (so insane i know) and he told me to ask if anyone had some (non toxic ) tar defats. Im thinking white vinegar ph round 3 4-5 pulls and salt?? Opinions?