Well-Known Member
I dont even know how old these are I dont really remeber when I planted them. Sorry I havent really been keeping up with journal. Theres been alot going on with work and plus Im getting ready for my outside mj grow. It already getting in high 70's down here so I have been in overdrive getting everything ready. Anyways I wanted to take some pics of these. You can see the leaves are about 9-10 inches long. There are already two nice pods showing. Also you can see in the pic where the leaf meets the stem the little growth of leaves that you see will be additional pods. I thik I will get about 15 pods off this one. I havent taken care of it. I forget to water them for a couple weeks at a time. But they should be alright. Also I started another little garden outside tonight for some more poppies. I actually had one going but then forgot to water them when they were still very young and they all died. I will try to take care of the next batch better. I will be transplanting the ones I have in this journal this weekend to the great outdoors except for 10 or so. I just dont really have the room or time for them all to be indoors. Ok for some reason its only allowing me to attach two pictures