Permission to include Super Soil recipe in study


Well-Known Member
lol now i could very well be selling my self short cause i was going off my previous result before super soil before lst and before heavy super cropping so i wont know till thanksgiving but thats when i expect cut down to be aorund a week before thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
2 1k's on each one on its own light mover each one covering a 4x8 set them side by side you have a 8x8 area setup with capacity to produce about 2- 2.5 lb per 4x4 this is not gonna be to hard to acheive light movers effective double your light coverage for 1 light so (1) 1000 = 2 to 2.5lb on a light mover thats 4-5 lbs then another 1000 on a light mover next to it to make 8-10lbs
tell me what you think would be the difference between a 4 x 8 tent with a 1k on mover and the same tent with two 1ks? im thinking a big diff in yield so maybe if you get 1# per 1k on a mover you get 1.5 rather then doubling. but maybe if you havedone both you would know better then me.


Well-Known Member
the mover i have is 6 feet long i put it a foot away from each vertical end and in the middle thats 2 feet in from the 4 foot line the mover takes 30 min to travel both ends you do not get much of a diff when you stuff more watts in what matters is the amount of effective light oyur plants are receiving the closer the better i train all my plants down super crop and lst with a trained canapy and propperly vented hood lights i can essentialy drop the lights a small distance from the plants with out any worry now the thing is there is no diff between the rooms because a 1k on a mover acts the same way and is some what more effective because when its moving it alllows for multiple angles of light optimaly effective light so i essentially drop my energy bill while doubling yield its about effenciency sir


Well-Known Member
im confused by effective light etc... so if i put two 1k on a mover in that same 4x8 tent opposed to one 1k on a mover that also wouldnt yield more?


Well-Known Member
... you cant put more than one 1 light on that mover you cant unless your mover has a cross bar then it usualy fits 3 1ks but tahts for a wide open 10x10 a 4x4 is understating a 1k because you could have it cover a 6x6 but.... since oyu have to have it cover a 6x6 it has to be higher up off the ground to cover the area increase but your loosing effective light.. okay ima explain something you prolly know but oyu asked what i meant the farther your light has to travel the less energy (photons) it carries so when you ask why dont i put 2k on 1 mover i say becase the light mover doesnt work like that and your trying to not use the other 1k light to cover the other 4 x4 section of hte 4x8 thats hwy the light mover is usefull because it takes a 1k doubles the area you cover while not having to raise your lights.... lol better explained? sorry for typos and what not again REALLY high


Well-Known Member
so now i grab a 2nd light mover and that 2nd light and put it along side of the original 4x8 to create a 8x8 super area


Well-Known Member

Not a thread jack Unnk, anything about bud, or other stuff, that people are interested in. Good stuff.



Well-Known Member
yah man im setting my room up right now just gonna use my hp ballasts run mh in them for veg


Active Member
Hobbes, I really like your style man. You think outside the box and get spectacular results.

Now that I'm done kissin' up, where do you get the fabric you line your buckets with?

It looks just like the material smart pots are made of. I'm thinking of sewing up a few.