People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.


New Member
It has always been explained to me that IQ is a test of one's ability to be LOGICAL, no matter the education level. Foundational knowledge is usually not the hinge point of an IQ test. It is the ability to reason. This is why people with higher IQ's doubt the existence of G*D, and certainly any man based religions. Not surprising at all. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i can prove god does not exist

the simple fact that there are hundreds of religions in this world and only one can be right, means that 99.99999% of all the other religions are wrong and that 99.9999999% of religous people are actually praying to nothing!

i take it a step further and say if there's gonna be so many religions out there who insist they are right when we know by default that 99.9999% of them are wrong, then you can surmize that actually 100% of them are wrong

and there bees no god.:peace:

chew on that for a moment and tell me what you come up withbongsmilie

you can actualy lower the number of religions. because if you study them, all sects of chrisianity and Jews and muslims all worship the same god. It's true.

Big P

Well-Known Member
you can actualy lower the number of religions. because if you study them, all sects of chrisianity and Jews and muslims all worship the same god. It's true.

im not talking about all the denominations, i consider all christians to be lumped in 1 religion

there are hundreds if not thousands of religions that have existed and still exist in this world.

to think that yours is the only right one is to lie to yourself as statistically

every religion is wrong except for one

i find it amusing how people laugh and say the religions of the myans or indians or pagans or whomever are total nonsense when they themselves believe in thier own silly nonsense. that same amusment u get when you think of the pagan religion is exactly what religionous people are doing today being idiots like the pagans.

just cuz u guys think its true doesnt make it so, just like when the pagans thought thiers was true that wasnt so either

half the time religions are created by the smart and ambitious poeple in this world who want to have more control upon thier subjects whether for good or bad.

its like we if we are stranded on an island and I wanted to be the leader. I start playing on your fears(hell) and hopes(heaven) next thing you know i get to pork all your wives and get all the yummy food on the island while all you guys plow the fields while I plow your daughters:-P

if you try to question me you will be damned to hell. so let her keep suckin:-P

its just a way to dominate and control people, atleast thats why organized religion gets its start.

you think the Conqurer Muhamed really believed in his own religion?

or was it just a was to control his ever expanding empire?

for if you know that I am a simple mortal just like you wouldnt you be more prone to question my desicions and authority? maybe then you wouldnt be scared to slap my dick outa the gurls mouth and burn me alive at the stake, like I would deserve if I did such messed up things.

i mean look at leader accross the world they still use religion to gain power.

i say 95% of our polititions as smart as they are really know that god does not exist, but yet they play the game to get power and elected by the religious folks. pretending to be devout,

look how saddam use islam to manipulate, surely that butcher didnt really believe a god existed!

i just feel sorry for all the heterosexual priests that have lived empty lives without women all over a cold deception


Well-Known Member
im not talking about all the denominations, i consider all christians to be lumped in 1 religion

there are hundreds if not thousands of religions that have existed and still exist in this world.

to think that yours is the only right one is to lie to yourself as statistically

every religion is wrong except for one

i find it amusing how people laugh and say the religions of the myans or indians or pagans or whomever are total nonsense when they themselves believe in thier own silly nonsense. that same amusment u get when you think of the pagan religion is exactly what religionous people are doing today being idiots like the pagans.

just cuz u guys think its true doesnt make it so, just like when the pagans thought thiers was true that wasnt so either

half the time religions are created by the smart and ambitious poeple in this world who want to have more control upon thier subjects whether for good or bad.

its like we if we are stranded on an island and I wanted to be the leader. I start playing on your fears(hell) and hopes(heaven) next thing you know i get to pork all your wives and get all the yummy food on the island while all you guys plow the fields while I plow your daughters:-P

if you try to question me you will be damned to hell. so let her keep suckin:-P

its just a way to dominate and control people, atleast thats why organized religion gets its start.

you think the Conqurer Muhamed really believed in his own religion?

or was it just a was to control his ever expanding empire?

for if you know that I am a simple mortal just like you wouldnt you be more prone to question my desicions and authority? maybe then you wouldnt be scared to slap my dick outa the gurls mouth and burn me alive at the stake, like I would deserve if I did such messed up things.

i mean look at leader accross the world they still use religion to gain power.

i say 95% of our polititions as smart as they are really know that god does not exist, but yet they play the game to get power and elected by the religious folks. pretending to be devout,

look how saddam use islam to manipulate, surely that butcher didnt really believe a god existed!

i just feel sorry for all the heterosexual priests that have lived empty lives without women all over a cold deception
Boy you are in a world of confusion. You hold on to such slanderous lies and distractive stereotypes. Take a step back and look at the big picture.

Blaming and pointing fingers at people for something you do not understand. This is ignorance at it's finest.

Of course there are thousands of religions. As there are thousands of ways to deceive a man. And thousands of ways to corrupt a man. Pick your favorite beverage. Only one of them is pure and untainted.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Boy you are in a world of confusion. You hold on to such slanderous lies and distractive stereotypes. Take a step back and look at the big picture.

Blaming and pointing fingers at people for something you do not understand. This is ignorance at it's finest.

Of course there are thousands of religions. As there are thousands of ways to deceive a man. And thousands of ways to corrupt a man. Pick your favorite beverage. Only one of them is pure and untainted.

i try to look at the big picture but all I see is us an empty space,

eventually all of this will be gone in a blink of an eye

is this what god wants for my children to die? is he going to let them suffer first?

ofcoarse he will..... if he does then i spit in his face, even if he does exist. but for this reason alone i know he cannot exist cuz if he did he would be evil.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
your i.q. level shows your ability to reason and think your way through problems mine is 140 plus this does not mean you are automatically more intelligent but have the ability to be so if pursued. it is like a car with so much horsepower the potential is there but only some train the driving skills needed to use that power properly. as far as atheism im not one. as far as religion i see it as a crutch for the masses and a way to keep people scared and in line with what the people in power want this is factual if you know your fact if jesus were alive now he would be condemming of many so called christians who hide behind faith and spout hatred and promote persecution. with the goal of increasing personal wealth and power. this was one of the things jesus was against it never stops suprising me how un-christian many christians are. anyone who believes others burn in hell indefinetly regardless of there actions simply because they dont follow christianity are very sick hatefull unintelligent people. this is not the god i want anything to do with when i hear people say there 'good god fearing people' it makes me laugh as a benevolent creator is not to be feared i could go on and on but it is really upsetting to think about. as far as inteligence and religion i cant say ive met a brilliant thinking devote religous person they just dont go together. again im no atheist ive had my own experieces and make decisions based on them im very science based but i must say i feel atheists are at a loss also but at least they dont kill people who disagree with there views unlike most religions. i cant understand why people feel science clashes with spirituality as for me the more i know of this world and beyond the more my thoughts strenthen on this subject i was an atheist for my child and teen years but can now see the forest for the trees. this study on religion and intelligence is no suprise there are also studys on repubs and dems suprise suprise the right wing types have lower intelligence and college education on average but a much higher rate of religous devotion. in all seriousness if you believe the bible word for word well god help you lol... my post is scattered as there is so much to say it would take weeks of thought but basically i think mainstream religion is the most destructive thing ever to have happened to mankind a true tragedy of epic proportions. p.s. my spelling leaves something to be desired i apologize.


Well-Known Member
i try to look at the big picture but all I see is us an empty space,

eventually all of this will be gone in a blink of an eye

is this what god wants for my children to die? is he going to let them suffer first?

ofcoarse he will..... if he does then i spit in his face, even if he does exist. but for this reason alone i know he cannot exist cuz if he did he would be evil.
He doesn't want anyone to suffer. But he has no choice but to let it happen. He warned us not to be tempted by evil, but we couldn't resist. So many people (like you) hate him now. They want God out of the picture. If you were a loving God, and your precious creations hated you and never wanted to see you, how would you feel? Would you destroy them all? Or let them live without your assistance? God chose to let us live and deal with the darkness without his help. He knows many will come back to him when the darkness gets too apparent.

It says in the bible that the evil one is in control of the earth. And I'll tell you right now, the light in this world is fading fast.

Big P

Well-Known Member
He doesn't want anyone to suffer. But he has no choice but to let it happen. He warned us not to be tempted by evil, but we couldn't resist. So many people (like you) hate him now. They want God out of the picture. If you were a loving God, and your precious creations hated you and never wanted to see you, how would you feel? Would you destroy them all? Or let them live without your assistance? God chose to let us live and deal with the darkness without his help. He knows many will come back to him when the darkness gets too apparent.

It says in the bible that the evil one is in control of the earth. And I'll tell you right now, the light in this world is fading fast.

i must say that is the best aregument i have ever heard, but the truth is too appearent for me

if god decided to include the suffering I think that was a mistake., not how I would of done you guys if I was god........


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
albert einstein was not a atheist nor did he follow religion. why does god only talk to 1 crazy guy in the desert or wherever. all these prophets of different faiths are always alone when god comes down to speak come on how weak minded can followers be? if you dont know how to be a good person without fear of punnishment or instruction guess what your not a good person. if god wanted people to understand his purpose he would tell us. i remember a terrible event following an earthquake where a school was buried the children could be heard yelling for help for many days the majority died bad scary painfull deaths was this because there religion was improper or was god not paying attention.

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
albert einstein was not a atheist nor did he follow religion. why does god only talk to 1 crazy guy in the desert or wherever. all these prophets of different faiths are always alone when god comes down to speak come on how weak minded can followers be? if you dont know how to be a good person without fear of punnishment or instruction guess what your not a good person. if god wanted people to understand his purpose he would tell us. i remember a terrible event following an earthquake where a school was buried the children could be heard yelling for help for many days the majority died bad scary painfull deaths was this because there religion was improper or was god not paying attention.
I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details." -- Albert Einstein

Not trying to debate religion with anyone here.My post about A.E. beleiving in God was in direct response to the subject line of this thread.


Well-Known Member
Bicycle racer is right, EInstein did not consider himself an atheist, and he did not follow any religion or believe in "god" in the traditonal sense.

Einstein clarified his religious views in a letter he wrote in response to those who claimed that he worshipped a Judeo-Christian god: "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.


Well-Known Member
I have a fairly high IQ and personally I am Buddhist. God is within you, you are your own god, and your actions reflect the journey you will take towards ultimate nirvana. Its amazing to get blazed and just think about things like this. I would suggest some of you try reiki (energy healing). It was the most amazing experience of my life, only made better by a bowl full of jack herrer.


Well-Known Member

People with low IQ's believe something is true because silly studies say it

Einstein, Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Churchill ..... etc etc

Brick Top

New Member
i can prove god does not exist

the simple fact that there are hundreds of religions in this world and only one can be right, means that 99.99999% of all the other religions are wrong and that 99.9999999% of religous people are actually praying to nothing!

i take it a step further and say if there's gonna be so many religions out there who insist they are right when we know by default that 99.9999% of them are wrong, then you can surmize that actually 100% of them are wrong

and there bees no god.:peace:

chew on that for a moment and tell me what you come up withbongsmilie


What I come up with is what one cousin who is a Lutheran minister and friend who is an Evangelical minister have said. The Bible and other MAJOR religions, and not crackpot religions, say there is only one true God but not only one true religion.

Man has said there is only one true religion but the Bible and some other holy writings do not say that. Those that do were written by man and man does not dictate to God what is right or wrong.

So there is only one true God but many variations of religions that may call God by another name or worship him differently but nonetheless still worship Him in their way according to their practices be it kneeling every other moment or handling snakes.

So there is no one true religion so your claim that 99.9999% of all religions are wrong is inaccurate and is proof of nothing so your proof that God does not exist does not exist.

Now if you pick some religion based on someone who was a human at one time, Jesus Christ excluded since He was the Son of God sent to live among humans but is one of the Three in One, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost (some say Spirit) he was not exactly human. But a religion based on some human that was supposedly a great person and who died and then in the teaching of the religion became a God those would be wrong since no man can become a God.



Well-Known Member
i must say that is the best aregument i have ever heard, but the truth is too appearent for me

if god decided to include the suffering I think that was a mistake., not how I would of done you guys if I was god........

It's punishment for our immoral behavior. God use to be a vengeful God before he flooded the world, now the suffering stays with us.

I don't want to push this on you or anything, just stating some biblical info. Keep searching if you are still uncertain. Every man and woman has the ability to find the truth. Being wise and patient is key.