People V. Carruthers -CoA Rules Marijuana Extracts Illegal

Is there any getting around the fact that hash and oil are prepared from leaves and flowers, and are thus a preparation thereof? Resin is a constituent of leaves and flowers. These judges in the COA are fools.

No, they know EXACTLY what they are doing.
In the King case, there were many that bitched about the unfairness of the ruling on the dog pen. The more thoughtful members of the community realized that we could use the ruling to our advantage. Since they didn't like the dog pen not staked to the ground and covered, by extension, taking a dog pen, staking it to the ground, and covering it was 'legal' and they had a COA ruling that said so. So that is what they did and were safe.

What does this ruling contain that lets us turn it to our advantage?

One thing I see is that they can't use the 'concentration' of marijuana, as they can't accurately measure it. They want to see clear evidence of 'usable marijuana- flowers and/or leaves' in the mixture. I would think that if you made cannabutter, had identifiable flowers and/or leaves in it, and kept the total weight legal, you might be in pretty good shape if it came to a court case. At the very least you have a better section 8 story, and may luck out and get a section 4 dismissal.

Anyone else have any other ideas?

Dr. Bob
Are dogs trained on extracts? Can they find the one good brownie amongst 11 plain ones? Can they locate a can of wax?
Are dogs trained on extracts? Can they find the one good brownie amongst 11 plain ones? Can they locate a can of wax?

I doubt you could beat a dogs nose, they are pretty powerful... maybe hide your wax in bacon? sounds silly but you might fool the dogs handler into thinking pooch just wants the bacon.... unless the police dogs are imune to bacon smells from riding in a car with a pig all day... haha
I just wasn't sure if the extracts would retain the smell.Go with an "If the dog found it" defense.

I dont use extracts, I dont want my tolerance that high, and I think that it's going to hurt us politically.
Are dogs trained on extracts? Can they find the one good brownie amongst 11 plain ones? Can they locate a can of wax?

vacuum seal in heavy duty foodsaver bag and wipe everything with rubbing alcohol very well... has worked for me in the past in potential dog smelling situations :D
Hey it just hit me. If a grower has a big problem in late flowering, drying, or curing, then extracts may very well be the only way to save anything from the harvest!!!. If a crop gets moldy, we don't let it get out to people, it could kill some individuals. This shit needs to stop.
That could be all of your plants. Easily could be worth a few hundred. If you had to pay the light bill, you could easily, but not if you throw it away.
Are dogs trained on extracts? Can they find the one good brownie amongst 11 plain ones? Can they locate a can of wax?

That's a toughie, but I can point this out. If your extracts were done very high quality to where only the oil extracts have been removed from the cannabis, then my guess would be that a dog could not smell it. I guess unless he was specifically trained for it. Even then I have my doubts, due to different solvents used for the extraction.

Most of the aroma from marijuana is not in my extracts. The aroma is in the red oil extracts, which is water soluble. The dogs would probably be trained to focus in on the water soluble scents. You could take your concentrates, seal them up real good and you could probably bury them, just don't use any metal so it can not be found with metal detectors.
This is beyond rediculous. Resins? I guess that means that anything besides smoking a joint is straight up illegal. Here is why, your vaporizer, bong, and pipe collects resin yes? The have undermined our law and this is treason. Smoking is not medical. YOu cannot make a batch of brownies without exceeding your limit. Your only other method would be to just eat the cannabis raw.

I have given up on our court systems, they have reached the level of corruption and true insanity. I would not recommend to anybody to get a medical marijuana card or become a caregiver. We are screwed.
Perhaps we can thank all the idiots who blew themselves up making concentrates as the procedure is viewed as if it was a meth lab manufacturing ! The opposition has really screwed this state but in the end there is hope , full legalization is due here in 2014 and enough is enough .

Once the state is a legal one they will wish that it was just a medical one and that they did not piss off the state as they have time after time .
It's our job to talk about this, everywhere, often, loudly, but professionally. Nobody else is going to do it. Make people aware, and this will have to change.
Perhaps we can thank all the idiots who blew themselves up making concentrates as the procedure is viewed as if it was a meth lab manufacturing ! The opposition has really screwed this state but in the end there is hope , full legalization is due here in 2014 and enough is enough .

Once the state is a legal one they will wish that it was just a medical one and that they did not piss off the state as they have time after time .

you need to read some threads from some of the ""legal"" states my red bredren.....

heres one from washington state about how much the patients are enjoying 'legalization'--
  • Thanks to legalization the legislature now in special session has an add on to stop patient home grows and give all profit to the state thru the liquor board. Hello legalization...the compassionate use of cannabis act is on its death bed. Write your reps and make sure they know it is not ok to keep sick folks from growing their own medicine......They are insisting it must be done to squash the black market so the state can make all the money. What total bull. My patients can't afford 380 a z on disability that is around 800 a month. Thanks.​

this brownie/extract ruling is just another dominoe in the dialectic-

I don't see what we are so worried about. We got this far by saying fuck the system, and we do what we do no matter what. That will not change, we are going to grow, we are going to medicate, we are going to make hash, oils, brownies and dreadlocks. There isn't a fucking thing that any one of them can do about it.
Jonny predicts this will have the following approximate effect on hash oil / medible production - ZERO BITCHES :)

Lastly but not least, this has NOT gone to the Michigan Supreme Court yet so this is merely precedent, not the law of the land.

I would be willing to bet the guy whose case got to this point has a lawyer that already has a massive chubby just thinking about arguing this one in front of the supreme court.

This shit is like saying water is legal but if you make ice cubes, we lock your ass up! Corn on the cob is okay but if you make creamed corn your ass is FUCKeD!

Whatever essential oils are extracted are derived from USABLE MARIJUANA FLOWERS, therefore is still usable marijuana - only in another form. It's not as if this shit is made like heroin or methamphetamine for shit's sake. Stupid politician judges...
^ what he said.

Especially about the politician judges.

They should have to wear hoods as well as robes, as anonymity prevents popularity.
We will hand the COA's ass to it again. We are making noise about getting involved in the appeal.
what I don't understand is how we're allowed to keep a plant count, set limits of "usable product", and a court is going to tell us what we can and cannot do to prepare the plant we took from bean/clone to harvest?

I'm pretty sure you could grow radishes and make organic anal beads with them, and the government wouldn't care one bit, as long as they get their tax $.

I didn't hear about the Tues deal until today(Tues), or I would be in Lansing. The more the law gets involved, the less I want anything to do with it.

Prohibition just makes criminals.