Well I did a bit of quick research to avenge my shame in mislabeling it as kief (doh!) and i found something quite interesting. males get a bad rap. here it is...
Potency by Sex
Although marijuana lore claimed the female to be the more potent, scientists disclaimed this. But there is some truth to both sides. In fine marijuana varieties, male and female leaves average about the same in cannabinoid concentrations. Either a male or a female individual may have the highest concentration in any particular case. The largest variation is in comparing the flowers. Male flowers may be comparable to the females, or they may not even get you high. It seems that the higher the quality of the grass, the better the male flowers will be. In fine type I plants, male flowering clusters usually approach the potency of the female. In low-quality type III varieties females are usually more potent (20 to 30 percent) than the males.
Type II plants are the most variable, with large differences among individual plants. But the trend is for the females to average about 20 percent high in potency of leaves and flowers.
Table 12 - Relative Potencies of Male and Female Plants (66)
Percentage by Weight (b) of
Mexico M 3.7 0.86 I
F 3.7 0.35
India M 4.3 0.12 I
F 1.78 0.19
Thailand M 3.2 0.08 I
F 3.2 0.42
India M 0.81 2.1 II
F 1.3 0.89
Pakistan M 1.37 1.24 II
F 0.71 1.5
Turkey M 0.84 2.11 II
F 0.92 1.33
India M 0.15 2.2 III
F 0.12 1.2
Poland M 0.04 0.97 III
F 0.06 1.1
a) M, male (staminate); F, female (pistillate). (b) Of flowering mass
with accompanying leaves. (c) Includes CBC. _
I know I get a nice mellow buzz from it. My wife is a weed whore and she loves it as well. try it and see. You should harvest the sacs just before they pop.