People found my plants!!!!!

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he has become the dea's worst nightmare
he fears no one
not even pissed off forum writers
he eyes are on the prize
he will get his plants
we need a cam on him for youtube
this is a sad day. I am 2 dry. smoke my last bud few hours ago. Now im depressed. sum1 send me a xannax.loL
I always keep a few males around all year so I can always have kief no matter how many buds I have. Just a thought for the future. :peace: Those males just keep putting it out no matter how many times I harvest them.

out. :blsmoke:

im dry cos all is around is soapbar, sick, and weeds €50 for 3gm, ns its covered in glass. its so shit.

its all thats ever round,hence i grow my own!! been sober now for weeks. waiting for some decent weather so i can go outdoors for some od planting.
and till i find a grow space that wont get busted...

my friend gathered all the dust from one baggie he had, thinking it was thc crystals, rolled it into a fatty, smoked it.
he coughed up blood for a few hours.

yeah i had a load of that glass weed a while back. they spray fine glass all over the buds using silicon which is meant to increase the weight and make it look more potent. Bastards
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