This is what you have to do. Those plants are like little children you made and it is your promise to them that you will bring them up safely in this world to become big and strong. Your children have been kidnapped and you must pull some dukes of hazzard call of duty shit to get them back. Understand? Camo up, Get a drug dog, grab your book bag and run little fella. O yeah don't forget your retard helmet thats key
The Pot Ninja must live on. I'm hooked i feel like i have to wait a whole week for the next episode of my favorite tv series. Its like they dropped Mr. Miaggi on the island from lost, oh wait thats just Tommy Chong.
No shit sherlock. I also spell it "ur" when im even more lazy.. i make a ton of typos.. big deal.. At least you know what im saying.
so you wanna be an ass huh? OK....
"talk about ignorant?" is not a question ,smartass.
What is the Question Mark ?
The question mark (?) is a terminal punctuation mark in English usually used at the end of a sentence with no extra period. It turns a sentence into a query and can also be used to indicate uncertainty, tentativeness or incredulity. Do not use more than one question mark at the end of a question in formal or academic writing. The question mark is usually used in dialogues and narratives and less so in formal articles. The four uses of the question mark are: 1. Indicating queries 2. Indicating rhetorical questions (optional) 3. Indicating requests (optional) 4. Indicating uncertainty In addition, the following section is also important to consider. 5. Question mark style conventions Uses of the Question Mark in English Writing 1. Indicating Queries 1. Use the question mark when posing a direct query in an interrogative sentence. This denotes that the speaker is seeking information. Are there any letters for me this morning ? When did you finish writing that report ? 2. Use the question mark to turn a statement into a question. This denotes that the speaker is assuming or hoping for a certain reply. You promise to finish going through these invoices ? She didn't actually quit her job ? 3. Use the question mark in statements ending with a word inflected as a query and with question tags. Just leave these papers on my desk, OK ? So you got a promotion, eh ? You didn't find those documents, did you ? [question tag] You found those documents, didn't you ? [question tag] 4. Use the question mark after a direct question which is inserted into a statement. If the question comes at the end, separate it with a comma. Capitalization of the question after the comma is used for extreme emphasis but is rarely recommended. Her boss wondered, Was she really doing her job the best she could ? [question capitalized for extreme emphasis] The question was, was she really doing the best she could ? [question not capitalized – recommended] 5. If the inserted question comes in the beginning, put the question mark in the middle but do not capitalize the word following it. Was she really doing her job the best she could ? her boss wondered. Was she really doing the best she could ? was the question. 6. When writing a series of questions, use a question mark for each item, even if items are not complete sentences. Capitalization of the question items is optional so be consistent with whatever option you choose. The board members had to decide on a new course of action for the company. Expand ? Sell out ? Consider new financial reforms ? *Watch Out ! 7. Do not use a question mark in statements that contain indirect questions (written as declarative sentences). No: Her boss wondered whether she was really doing her job the best she could ? Yes: Her boss wondered whether she was really doing her job the best she could. No: I kept asking myself how she had done it ? Yes: I kept asking myself how she had done it.
2. Indicating Rhetorical Questions (optional)
Check this out ! Aren't his paintings amazing ? [interested or surprised reaction] Aren't his paintings amazing. [uninterested or musing reaction] Aren't his paintings amazing ! [indignant or exciting reaction] Analysis ! When the above rhetorical question is used with different punctuation marks, the rhetoric implication is altered (as shown in the brackets). This demonstrates the emotional effect punctuation marks may have in a text. If you want to know more, read this: The Punctuation Rules for Indicating Rhetorical Questions: 1. A rhetorical question is a question for which no answer is expected or for which the answer is self evident. A rhetorical question can end in either a question mark, or an exclamation point or a period, depending on context and the writer's purpose. I did everything I could for that company, do you think they thanked me? [apparently not] How can I ever thank you enough ! [obviously you will have to work hard thanking] How could I have known that those documents I had sent were top secret. 2. Rhetorical questions in a dialog are better ended with a period, as this imparts a more realistic tone. – "Look, why don't we just forget about this deal." – "Well, isn't that what I expected to hear!" 3. You can use a question mark with italics to show shock or incredulity. She said what ? 3. Indicating Requests (optional)
1. Use a question mark with a mild command or polite request instead of a period that would make the request more demanding. Would you take these reports down to accounting ? [polite request – It would be nice if you do.] Would you take these reports down to accounting. [directive order – Take these reports !] Would you please pass me the salt, please. Vs Would you please pass me the salt ? If you will you follow me, please. 4. Indicating Uncertainty
1. Use a question mark enclosed in parenthesis (?) if a date or other number is unknown or doubtful among the experts. Do not use a question mark to communicate that you are unsure of the information you write, as this weakens the authority of your writing. Joan of Arc, 1412 (?) – 1431, is considered a French heroine. 2. To avoid using (?) for expressing uncertainty, consider using the word about. Joan of Arc, born about 1412 – 1431, is considered a French heroine. 3. Do not use (?) to express irony or sarcasm in serious academic writing. Most people find office filing a pleasant (?) assignment. or Most people find office filing as pleasant as having a bad case of the flu. 5. Question Mark Style Conventions
1. Do not use a comma after a question mark occurring in the middle of a sentence. "You didn't actually agree tot hat offer?" her boss asked incredulously. 2. Do not use a period after a question mark occurring in the end of a sentence, even if followed by quotation marks.. Did you actually take that offer ? 3. When a question mark follows a quoted text, put it before the closing quotation mark if it applies just to the quoted text. Put the question mark outside the closing quotation mark if it applies to the entire sentence. Do you think it would be better in this case to stick to the attitude of "what's in it for me" ? [entire sentence in question] I really do not like her attitude of "what's in it for me?" [only quoted text is in question, no extra period after a question mark] 4. When a question mark is used with parenthesis, put it inside the parenthesis if the enclosed sentence stands alone. When the parenthesis enclose just part of a sentence, put the question mark outside the parenthesis. Always add another terminal punctuation mark to the end of the sentence. For months, she stayed in extra hours to complete the project (Was she that eager to get promoted?). [question mark inside the parenthesis, enclosed text is a stand alone sentence] Did she really stay in extra hours to complete the project (despite being denied of a promotion)? [question mark outside the parenthesis, enclosed text is part of a sentence] 5. When a question mark immediately follows an italicized text, italicize it as well. You're kidding, he didn't promote her ?
The Question Mark: Summing it up As our brief article shows, the intriguing question mark has a bit more to it than indicating questions. Using the question mark correctly makes the text (usually dialogues) come alive. While we cannot be expected to know all the rules of English grammar and punctuation, tools like the WhiteSmoke English Writing Software can make sure that our use of the question mark and other punctuation marks is always correct. With WhiteSmoke technology checking your grammar, punctuation and spelling, your writing will always be the best
No shit sherlock. I also spell it "ur" when im even more lazy.. i make a ton of typos.. big deal.. At least you know what im saying.
so you wanna be an ass huh? OK....
"talk about ignorant?" is not a question ,smartass.
What is the Question Mark ?
The question mark (?) is a terminal punctuation mark in English usually used at the end of a sentence with no extra period. It turns a sentence into a query and can also be used to indicate uncertainty, tentativeness or incredulity. Do not use more than one question mark at the end of a question in formal or academic writing. The question mark is usually used in dialogues and narratives and less so in formal articles. The four uses of the question mark are: 1. Indicating queries 2. Indicating rhetorical questions (optional) 3. Indicating requests (optional) 4. Indicating uncertainty In addition, the following section is also important to consider. 5. Question mark style conventions Uses of the Question Mark in English Writing 1. Indicating Queries 1. Use the question mark when posing a direct query in an interrogative sentence. This denotes that the speaker is seeking information. Are there any letters for me this morning ? When did you finish writing that report ? 2. Use the question mark to turn a statement into a question. This denotes that the speaker is assuming or hoping for a certain reply. You promise to finish going through these invoices ? She didn't actually quit her job ? 3. Use the question mark in statements ending with a word inflected as a query and with question tags. Just leave these papers on my desk, OK ? So you got a promotion, eh ? You didn't find those documents, did you ? [question tag] You found those documents, didn't you ? [question tag] 4. Use the question mark after a direct question which is inserted into a statement. If the question comes at the end, separate it with a comma. Capitalization of the question after the comma is used for extreme emphasis but is rarely recommended. Her boss wondered, Was she really doing her job the best she could ? [question capitalized for extreme emphasis] The question was, was she really doing the best she could ? [question not capitalized recommended] 5. If the inserted question comes in the beginning, put the question mark in the middle but do not capitalize the word following it. Was she really doing her job the best she could ? her boss wondered. Was she really doing the best she could ? was the question. 6. When writing a series of questions, use a question mark for each item, even if items are not complete sentences. Capitalization of the question items is optional so be consistent with whatever option you choose. The board members had to decide on a new course of action for the company. Expand ? Sell out ? Consider new financial reforms ? *Watch Out ! 7. Do not use a question mark in statements that contain indirect questions (written as declarative sentences). No: Her boss wondered whether she was really doing her job the best she could ? Yes: Her boss wondered whether she was really doing her job the best she could. No: I kept asking myself how she had done it ? Yes: I kept asking myself how she had done it.
2. Indicating Rhetorical Questions (optional)
Check this out ! Aren't his paintings amazing ? [interested or surprised reaction] Aren't his paintings amazing. [uninterested or musing reaction] Aren't his paintings amazing ! [indignant or exciting reaction] Analysis ! When the above rhetorical question is used with different punctuation marks, the rhetoric implication is altered (as shown in the brackets). This demonstrates the emotional effect punctuation marks may have in a text. If you want to know more, read this: The Punctuation Rules for Indicating Rhetorical Questions: 1. A rhetorical question is a question for which no answer is expected or for which the answer is self evident. A rhetorical question can end in either a question mark, or an exclamation point or a period, depending on context and the writer's purpose. I did everything I could for that company, do you think they thanked me? [apparently not] How can I ever thank you enough ! [obviously you will have to work hard thanking] How could I have known that those documents I had sent were top secret. 2. Rhetorical questions in a dialog are better ended with a period, as this imparts a more realistic tone. "Look, why don't we just forget about this deal." "Well, isn't that what I expected to hear!" 3. You can use a question mark with italics to show shock or incredulity. She said what ? 3. Indicating Requests (optional)
1. Use a question mark with a mild command or polite request instead of a period that would make the request more demanding. Would you take these reports down to accounting ? [polite request It would be nice if you do.] Would you take these reports down to accounting. [directive order Take these reports !] Would you please pass me the salt, please. Vs Would you please pass me the salt ? If you will you follow me, please. 4. Indicating Uncertainty
1. Use a question mark enclosed in parenthesis (?) if a date or other number is unknown or doubtful among the experts. Do not use a question mark to communicate that you are unsure of the information you write, as this weakens the authority of your writing. Joan of Arc, 1412 (?) 1431, is considered a French heroine. 2. To avoid using (?) for expressing uncertainty, consider using the word about. Joan of Arc, born about 1412 1431, is considered a French heroine. 3. Do not use (?) to express irony or sarcasm in serious academic writing. Most people find office filing a pleasant (?) assignment. or Most people find office filing as pleasant as having a bad case of the flu. 5. Question Mark Style Conventions
1. Do not use a comma after a question mark occurring in the middle of a sentence. "You didn't actually agree tot hat offer?" her boss asked incredulously. 2. Do not use a period after a question mark occurring in the end of a sentence, even if followed by quotation marks.. Did you actually take that offer ? 3. When a question mark follows a quoted text, put it before the closing quotation mark if it applies just to the quoted text. Put the question mark outside the closing quotation mark if it applies to the entire sentence. Do you think it would be better in this case to stick to the attitude of "what's in it for me" ? [entire sentence in question] I really do not like her attitude of "what's in it for me?" [only quoted text is in question, no extra period after a question mark] 4. When a question mark is used with parenthesis, put it inside the parenthesis if the enclosed sentence stands alone. When the parenthesis enclose just part of a sentence, put the question mark outside the parenthesis. Always add another terminal punctuation mark to the end of the sentence. For months, she stayed in extra hours to complete the project (Was she that eager to get promoted?). [question mark inside the parenthesis, enclosed text is a stand alone sentence] Did she really stay in extra hours to complete the project (despite being denied of a promotion)? [question mark outside the parenthesis, enclosed text is part of a sentence] 5. When a question mark immediately follows an italicized text, italicize it as well. You're kidding, he didn't promote her ?
The Question Mark: Summing it up As our brief article shows, the intriguing question mark has a bit more to it than indicating questions. Using the question mark correctly makes the text (usually dialogues) come alive. While we cannot be expected to know all the rules of English grammar and punctuation, tools like the WhiteSmoke English Writing Software can make sure that our use of the question mark and other punctuation marks is always correct. With WhiteSmoke technology checking your grammar, punctuation and spelling, your writing will always be the best
I think i found another mission for the pot ninja.
There is a poster with a thread titled wierd. Who is complaining because his sprouts wouldnt grow so he ate them (Yes i did say ate them!)
The pot ninja has to put a stop to this crime.
Oh he also has another post about wether or not he should diet using cocaine!!
The watering can must be used again.
I think i found another mission for the pot ninja.
There is a poster with a thread titled wierd. Who is complaining because his sprouts wouldnt grow so he ate them (Yes i did say ate them!)
The pot ninja has to put a stop to this crime.
Oh he also has another post about wether or not he should diet using cocaine!!
The watering can must be used again.
I think i found another mission for the pot ninja.
There is a poster with a thread titled wierd. Who is complaining because his sprouts wouldnt grow so he ate them (Yes i did say ate them!)
The pot ninja has to put a stop to this crime.
Oh he also has another post about wether or not he should diet using cocaine!!
The watering can must be used again.