People found my plants!!!!!

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he has them
we are now training him to become the pot ninja
to fight for the right to grow
and to fuck the dea in the arse
nah in a good place now
i wanna check the grow but there in 24 hr darkness
as they flower tomoz
whats worm do on a sat
worm is cleaning some clothes and filling out a app for a job online as we speak . gonna play some halo 3 later and make some breakfast. then.. well idk what then lol.. only the night can tell.
Wow... thats why you should have started your grow in the woods where no one goes. Not a house lol... If no one lives there it's still SOMEONE's house.
As you can see paranoia can easily take over. it's just 2 plants and no one is going to hang out in an abandoned house to try and catch you....not even the DEA would waste such funds on such a small amount. Just go get them...lawdy.

out. :blsmoke:
unless you live in some piss ant town where the dicks have jack shit to do and would love to sit around and wait to bust a "grow op" in there piss ant town...i mean you get outside into any area outside a major city and the farther you go the less the cops have to do....ditch those plants and never go back. the gig is up...start over
unless you live in some piss ant town where the dicks have jack shit to do and would love to sit around and wait to bust a "grow op" in there piss ant town...i mean you get outside into any area outside a major city and the farther you go the less the cops have to do....ditch those plants and never go back. the gig is up...start over

:cuss: READ, READ, READ :cuss:
unless you live in some piss ant town where the dicks have jack shit to do and would love to sit around and wait to bust a "grow op" in there piss ant town...i mean you get outside into any area outside a major city and the farther you go the less the cops have to do....ditch those plants and never go back. the gig is up...start over
how many of these has there been so far?:lol:
Why was the electricity on in abbandoned home? Nothing like racking up a laundy list of charges for a simple grow. Breaking and entering, utillty fraud, tresspassing.. ect ect.
ok im going to map it all out for u. first thing you do is go to the hardware store and buy some gun powder, rent a car. a fast car,than assemble a group of high payed mercinaries that had their government turn their backs on them. maybe one has a mohawk, one smokes a cigar, shit one might even be crazy. ok then you find and old junk yard and you go to work assembling a giant half robot half tank. you have to make sure that it has machine gun hands has too. ok than you charge into that old barn or what ever the fuck you said that them damn plants were being held hostage in and you shot like ten thousand bullets; but dont worry i guarentee no one will die; ok yeah you bust them damn plants out and a helicopter comes and you jump on fuckn take off man.woooo yeahhhhh boyyy:leaf: im fuckin high as hell.
The pot ninja knows how to talk fine i was messing with you guys but i took care of the abandoned house.....5 gallons of gasoline burned THAT mother fucker to the ground
Wow, paid mercenaries, that certainly would do it now. Wouldn't it. I would take his advice, It's the only safe way to get them.

You don't what those poor people are doing to your plants right now, Torchure, Water boarding, starvation. Shit, I bet thier in a dark cell with no sunlight or running water.

You have to act, and you have to act NOW....

Call Chuck Norris, He can get them out
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