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More reefer madness. More propaganda
Full paper:
The person who wrote the article didn't even bother to read the study.
1. Contrary to the alleged quote, it EXPLICITLY says that the increased odds of a heart attack for people who vape or ingest is NOT STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT. Only statistically significant increased risk was for smokers. Would have taken the author 5 minutes to verify this. Site is a joke.
From the study:
"Although a similarly elevated odds of history of MI was observed across methods of recent cannabis consumption, only smoking as a primary method achieved statistical significance."
2. What's even worse is that in the "Limitations" section the study authors say:
"We were unable to differentiate between participants who began using cannabis before having an MI, and those who began using cannabis after having an MI."
That's a pretty big limitation. They do some hand waiving to claim that there conclusions are still "plausible," but the study (like most studies covered in the press) is obviously junk. I don't care one way or another whether marijuana causes heart attacks but this study doesn't say what the article claims it does re vaping and eating and is, in any event, total garbage.
3.The cherry on top is this line:
"Cannabis users were more likely to be male, unmarried, cigarette as well as e-cigarette smokers and heavy alcohol drinkers, the data showed."

Cannabis use doubled heart attack risk in young adults, study shows - National |
While smoking was the most common form of consumption, vapourizing and edibles also increased the risk of heart attack, according to data from the U.S.
Full paper:

Recent cannabis use and myocardial infarction in young adults: a cross-sectional study
Background: Cannabis use is increasing among young adults, but its effects on cardiovascular health are poorly understood. We aimed to assess the association between recent cannabis use and history of myocardial infarction (MI) in young adults (aged 18–44 yr). Methods: We performed a...
The person who wrote the article didn't even bother to read the study.
1. Contrary to the alleged quote, it EXPLICITLY says that the increased odds of a heart attack for people who vape or ingest is NOT STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT. Only statistically significant increased risk was for smokers. Would have taken the author 5 minutes to verify this. Site is a joke.
From the study:
"Although a similarly elevated odds of history of MI was observed across methods of recent cannabis consumption, only smoking as a primary method achieved statistical significance."
2. What's even worse is that in the "Limitations" section the study authors say:
"We were unable to differentiate between participants who began using cannabis before having an MI, and those who began using cannabis after having an MI."
That's a pretty big limitation. They do some hand waiving to claim that there conclusions are still "plausible," but the study (like most studies covered in the press) is obviously junk. I don't care one way or another whether marijuana causes heart attacks but this study doesn't say what the article claims it does re vaping and eating and is, in any event, total garbage.
3.The cherry on top is this line:
"Cannabis users were more likely to be male, unmarried, cigarette as well as e-cigarette smokers and heavy alcohol drinkers, the data showed."