I think we need independent third party testing,i found this on chimera's forum.He also touches on how terpenes and thc interact, as far as the nuances of the high. Most flowers are in the 15-18 range, straight up. Less peak over 20%, only a few over 25% and very, very rarely up towards total 29%
THC equivalents. That's the potential total
THC measured by HPLC and subject.to 100%
decarboxylation when burned or processed (near impossible-some cannabs are always destroyed during processing/decarb).
GC/FID really only measures
THC or
CBD peaks because the THCa and/or CBDa are decarboxylated (also some are destroyed) in the injector @250 C.. GC reads can be as high 30% low from equipment induced error. HPLC is the way to measure cannabs because the readings represent what's actually IN the flower, meaning mostly THCA and a small amount of
THC. The total of the two, after.the THCA is decarb'd, is what is referred to as
THC equivalents, and most often seen on dispensary menus in the US. It's always a good idea to ask how the measurement was taken before making an assumption about the potency. The fact that 15%
THC weed gets pretty much everybody ripped should say something... there more than just high
THC numbers in this thing we call "potency".