Pcc offical update thread


Well-Known Member

In the pictures below why did you cut the tips of the lower leafs? I have seen serveral people do this and really dont understand it.

I wanna be cool too, so here is my weekly update :lol:

Both are going strong, hopefully have them in the tent and flowering by the second week of February. Should be tall enough to compete with their mothers (in flower) by then.

Lemon Skunk

Great White Shark


Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
-Use this format for your first post to enter;

here is mine (
Sub Zero )

[FONT=&quot].G. Kush x Hogs Breath and Powdery Mildew, it seems I'm an expert at this... :cuss:[/FONT]

Clone or Seed:
[FONT=&quot]Clone [/FONT]

Total Entry(s):

[FONT=&quot]Veg. 400w [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]MH [/FONT][FONT=&quot]1 or 2 week and Flower under 430w HPS, possible 600w if I get some extra $ soon.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Let her grow baby!!! Or?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Veg. 3’x3’ flower 4’ W x 6’.6” L x 8’ H with a 6’ light mover, I will just stuff her in any old place it can get some light. The flower room is under going tests, what is better, ebb n flow or aero nft?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Flora Nova Grow & Flora Nova Flower [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]1" of Hydroton on bottom for drainage, soil is 3 parts, coco fiber, seedling starter and Happy Frog.[/FONT]




New Member
Here's my girls at 3 or so weeks, just put them all in the flower room, Green Elfy was in there for a couple days so far.
Also Green Elfy is topped and lst'd, the 1st Orange Mass is also topped. The 2nd O.M. has nothing done to it, I might be pullind the 2nd O.M. and using it as a mom, if it is indeed a little lady.



Well-Known Member
Strain(s): Fucking Incredible

Clone Or Seed: Clone(s)

Total Entry(s): 2

Lights: 600 watts HPS

Method: All natural growth. Maybe some topping.

Nutrients: Fox Farms & Advanced Nutrients

Soil: Foxfarm Ocean Forest

Hydro: Hydroton filled Party cup with 1x1 rockwool cube.

I hope I didn't put this in the wrong place. My clones just rooted and I want in!


Well-Known Member
my ocean forest came in today...planted 2 seeds...probly gonna plant 2 clones as soon as they root...if they dont make it ill be planting 2 more bag seed


New Member
Oh poor poor Green Elfy, had an accident.............got broke in 2, was doing lst and had her to tight and broke off just on top of the 2nd node. So now I guess I'll just be topping G.E. now instead of lst.:wall:
I was trying to lst it all around the rim of the cup and do a spirle kinda thing...........not now:dunce:
sorry 'bout the b/w pics............don't know how to change it



Well-Known Member
Strain(s): Purple Kush SR71, Maui Skunk, Chemo Cindy

Clone Or Seed: Clones

Total Entry(s): 3

Lights: Vegged under Fluorescent and 400W Eye Hortilux MH, flowered under 1000W Eye Hortilux Super HPS shared space

Method: 1 week from transplant to settle into cup under fluorescent, veg starts, veg for 4 weeks under MH Purple Kush lollipopped, Maui Skunk Pinch FIM'ed, and Chemo Cindy Top FIM'ed 1 week before flower, flowering induced with plants at 14-20", plants should finish at approximately 26-33" tall, goal of 1.5-2 zips per :smile:

Dimensions: 6x5x6.5 shared space SOG

Nutrients: Veg- Thrive Alive B1, Bio Bizz Fish Mix, Cal Mag +, Fox Farm Big Bloom
Flower- Fox Farm Big Bloom, Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, Bio Bizz Bloom, Top Max (last two weeks), and Earth Juice Hi brix (during flush)

Soil: 1/3 FF Ocean Forest 2/3 Bio Bizz All Mix

Update Notes: I wasn't able to use my original candidates for this competition, so I am picking new ones. I transplanted 2 clones into party cups today (Finally!). One Chemo Cindy, One Purple Kush. I am trying to find a Maui Skunk Clone, but I mixed them in with some Chemo Cindy clones on accident.

Watering/Feedings: Just water today. Clones received Clone X and Thrive Alive B1 during rooting process.

Picture Notes:
16 oz Party Cups :D.
First 3 plant pics are Purple Kush.
Second 4 plant pics are Chemo Cindy.
Last pic is both side by side.
(They are pictured immediately after transplant in front of pots that are 12" tall)



New Member
Here's my 2 enteries, Orange Mass and Green Elfy. Almost 4 weeks old from seed now. Both are topp'd now (after G.E. had a bad accident lsting, broke her in 2)
What do ya'll think? Looking good or what?



Well-Known Member

Today is Week 3

I will be bumping up to 1/2 TSP of Micro and Grow or 2.5ml each. And im going to add a lil bit of Hydrozyme for the roots, 1/4 strength.


As you can see, she still dosnt have thta much inner node growth :neutral: but everything else is great.


You can see shes not even in a half a cup :lol: going to transplant her soon, im just lazy and shes doing fine

Her node growth is CRAZY, im loving it :) those shoots that cam out already have a second set growing on them 8-)


Shes a lil compact hoe haha, but just as much nodes as everyone else, and good inner growth too



Well-Known Member
Ok, Here is my 30 day up date, I am going to start flowring in another week as long as my other plans go as planned.

This is first time i have ever tried topping so they look goofy, espically the runt. I am not sure what its problem is but some looks like i might have 4 colas gowing.

