Pcc offical update thread


Active Member
Ok, a week out of the cloner and ready to go under the 400 MH to veg....... but before that, I decided to go for the 1, 2 and 4 top plant so I'll have a side by side by side comparision when this is done......

One of them was a little behind the other two so I decided it'll be the one top plant, one had side by side nodes so it seemed the best choice for a 4 top and the other had alternating nodes so I pinched the top and will select which two will become tops when it grows out a little.

One pic is before and one pic is after pinching the tops. Left to right 1, 2 and 4 intended tops....

Cya at the next update



Well-Known Member
hey sicc well i know im not supposed to post unless itsa an update but here is the problem my pots r smaller than 16 0z ill post pics tomorrow for shure but can i still play? and i had to post here so i am suscribed and i dident see me anywhere so im here


Well-Known Member
Yea it should be fine, i did say no less, but i guess it would only be a disavantage to some one

it only really matter's if it is over 16 oz's

you needa get on more homie, ima try and get on that other site who as well, i needa see whats good with that nig Purp, stay up


Well-Known Member
me and purp talk on tha regular he got a shit plant but im gonna throw 3 AFGHAN KUSH CLONES IN TOMORROW. thos and the blue mystic will be my entries but they have been in flower for two weeks and just got their first bloom nutes today.


Well-Known Member
and it wont be no disadvantage dogg lol not for me they look good as shit ima figure out how to do the videos tomorrow thats the only way i can do it so that will be my updates if i can figure it out


Well-Known Member
well ill be on as soon as i wake up and get the plants taken care of so hopefully updates for all my thrads tomorrow


New Member
Here's my 3 beautiful bitches.
They seem to be taking off rather slowly than usual, had some heat issues, gonna veg for 3-4 weeks at 18-6 instead of 12/12 as I first thought. (since we're allowed lol)
They're around 2 weeks now



Well-Known Member
Afghan Kush Ryder 20 days old...I normally transplant out of 16oz cup at day 15 or so, and they show sex by day 17, and grow profusely, but nothing out of her yet...Ill hit back with better pics when I have more time...



Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

Here they are after 1 week in the cups.

Red - Bubba Kush :bigjoint:

White - Triple O.G. :leaf:

Blue - C4 :joint:

Things are lookin good, except that the C4 is really growing to much. I may have to transplant that one, (take out of competition) when I go 12/12 on my other plants, we'll see next week.

Peace - :peace:



Well-Known Member
It's a good and bad update...

First the bad, I have to withdraw one of my entries. My WW plant has turned into a he/she. They were all destroyed:fire:

The good new, I have ROOTS!!!

Edit: I'm going to put 5 or 6 of the PJ clones in a cup, and enter the best.




Active Member
mtf's are doing good, 1st of females is showing(preflowers,flowering will start this week for her) also comparison plant #2 is a girl aswell!thank god (the other comparison plant is a male,relocated to cfl spot for pollen saving.....ill probly throw the pollen out,and use a fresh male anyways.
:) a little extra http://s824.photobucket.com/albums/zz164/miketompson2009/?action=view&current=yumm003.jpg :)im a happy camper:)
ALSO!! i may not be around for afew weeks, my ex-gf(common law wife) is moving out, this is her laptop. im trying ti buy it off her but dont know how thats going to go,she can be a bitch.....lol worst things worse ill go to an internet cafe and upload my updates(probly once a week to get my rollitup fix if it comes down too it......shitty but funny.....wish me luck with the ex bullshit.....)


Active Member
i guess this is the official entry...it says not to post here but everyone else is doing it so what the hell. transplanted these scraggly girls into coco two days ago. there they will stay until 4/20.

STRAINS : Trainwreck and Green Crack
LIGHTING : veg under flourescents until feb 7 or so then 1000w hps til 4/20.
TRAINING METHOD : trying bonsai-style. (lst, topping, stem-crimping, root trimming between veg and flower.)
NUTES : canna coco a/b
MEDIUM: canna coco

first pic is the trainwreck, second is the green crack.



Active Member
I've noticed through those blue kinda see through cups my roots are looking a little mushroomy like ball on the end is this bad its been in this cup 5 weeks and 1 day its only about 3 inches tall its one of my entries ? Think the light shinning through made it start to rot or get mold ? Just put the white tape on it



Active Member
do you have a picture? im not saying this is definitely the problem, but nematodes can cause nodules to form on your roots. not good. did you reuse your soil?


Active Member
First of all thanks for such fast reply and I don't know if if ya got a chance to look at the pics yet but I could pull the tape off and show and c if I could get a pic of them it mite be a good tool on here to look at if diagnosed correctly ??


Strain(s): Belladonna (Paradise Seeds)
Clone Or Seed: Seed

Total Entry(s): best 3 of 9
Lights: 1000w HPS
Method: hempy
Nutrients: SBA & SBB (2-part), CALMAX
Soil: None - Perlite Only

Update: 4 of 9 plants turned out female...yesssss...keeping one for future cloning fun...will post pics soon! ...peace.


Well-Known Member
Here they are about 2 1/2 weeks since they were cut and about 7 days since they rooted and went into soil. They are doing AMAZINGLY well.. just need them to grow a little taller so they can compete with their moms (flowering in my tent)

Happy growing everyone!


Thats my lady's victoria's secret catalog in the close up pic.. keep the comments to yourself :lol:

