pc probs, b-s, being watched?

well keep using and enjoy it but if your really a certified tech take a minute break the source code down from a new download of the software before its installed then run that script against the script after its installed and see what new variations come through compared to preinstall. You never heard of limewire infections? Hell google it and you ll see tons lol anyway enjoy it but still dont know why you have a p2p trail program like limewire leaving a trail to your stolen downloads lol Ill let ya enjoy it
I bet your phone company has shitty internet service and maybe you have some personal computer issues. Run a a program on your comp and call your ISP
Hey man you just got something bad in your download. Those screen shots of ip's being blocked that you posted might be people trying to leach your completed download if you are still running limewire in the background. Gid rid of that limewire if you haven't done so already. I found out a few years ago that limewire is just littered with just about anything that will fuck your computer up. ISP's don't give a wet fart about P2P (I know I do a lot of it) at least my cable provider doesn't. Some people are giving you some bogus info for sure though. ISP's will never give you a static IP. There just isn't enough left to give every tom-dick-and-harry. Check out iana.org if you have interest. You have a dynamically assigned address that you lease and there is NAT translation going on too. Some good info is to do like some others have said and download some of those Malwarebytes type programs. But what I didn't see mentioned is that you need to run that in safe mode. There are some of those things that run as a service and once they are loaded it's more of a pain to fully clean the PC. Running scans in safe mode will prevent those pesky things to be loaded.
+1000 for FilthyFletch, You've basically got this one down, LIMEWIRE is a Hackers playground, all Free Filesharing programs are Gateways to hackers, thieves, spammers, and anyone wanting easy access to your comp. With Limewire hackers were able to get into my work server, use it as a host and send mass spam out of my server to people disguised as a pay pal account admin. AT&T shut off my internet (they did call first and warned me)... If you're going to do illegal things, be ready for the legal consequences, especially if you're going to brag about it online... There are millions of people online doing shit they shouldn't, so you have to consider this, is it in the Feds best interest to watch you? are they going to get a major bust out of it? Hacking into a person's computer as a means of getting evidence against them is inadmissable in court, i.e. they can't prosecute you for something they acquired illegaly. So unless you're trying to hack into the dea's website you should be fine, stay away from LIMEWIRE and filesharing, i'm not big on musicians but if it's worth that much to you, pay for the video/music. or use youtube! goodluck!
but, of the posts I have read, I agree with []D[][]V[][]D and definitely with the idea of (I think it is fletch who said it) getting rid of limewire. Solid advice on both, and well informed. (+ rep, on both)

If you are going to be downloading shit illegally, use torrents. Also, download and install PeerGuardian2 (It's not perfect, but it not only blocks ips, but has them categorized into what type of ip it is, like Gov't, spyware, etc. (again, it's not perfect, but it can potentially help. You can also run peer guardian when you are browsing sites you want to feel more secure about, and it will blink when something that you want blocked is being blocked. You may run into stuff that is perfectly innocent being blocked, but that is far better for your peace of mind than not knowing what is going on.

I also suggest malwarebytes anti malware. It runs only when you want it to, and can find and remove all sorts of baad stuff.

I think you are also probably not being watched by LEO, but maybe are being spied on by spyware.

You may also want to change you anti virus to Avast, which has an option for boot time scan, which gets things before they load into windows. (Virii and malware are harder to remove, and in some cases, even to detect, once windows is up and running)

So, in short, do a little research on p2p (peer to peer) security, and general computer security, and you will be able to rest easier. The more you learn about that stuff, the more you can relax. (of course, it's no substitute for common sense)

If you are wondering how the fuck I know what I am talking about (A valid question, and one you should always ask of anyone giving advice...if they get pissed, then their ego is getting involved, and that makes them less likely to be able to give unclouded advice), if you are under 20 years old, then I have been working with and on computers longer than you have been alive.

Actually, if you saw the monstrosities that I started out on, you might not consider them computers at all...big drums full of magnetic tape with far less storage capacity than your cell phone, for instance.

and theres my 2 cents.