pc probs, b-s, being watched?

i love that the cure for downloading too much crap is to download more crap. brilliant!

i downloaded a 3 day trial of a program routing my ip address to a random address anywhere. I can change it whenever i chose to now, and set it anywhere. kinda neat.
im gonna go to download.com and find a free version of tomorrow when this trial runs out.
and for the anti virus I found was PANDA IS. Its awesome as hell. this is from my anti virus directly.:mrgreen:
Characteristics of Panda Internet Security 2008

The main features in Panda Internet Security 2008 include:
Protection against spyware

Protects your privacy by preventing spyware from being installed on your computer. The anti-spyware protection prevents this type of software from compiling data about your Internet habits and preferences.
Protection against unknown threats

Thanks to the revolutionary TruPrevent® Technologies now, more than ever, you will be protected against malware right from the start.
Protection against all types of malware

Not only are you protected against viruses. Now you have integrated protection capable of combating all types of malicious code: hacking tools, jokes, malicious cookies, viruses, etc.
Backup copies

Make backup copies of your most valued documents to avoid losing them in the event of accidents. You can make backup copies of your documents easily in the location you choose: USB removable drives, CDs, DVDs, or even Internet secure servers.
Optimization of computer performance (TuneUp)

Improve your computer’s performance by cleaning out unnecessary files and defragmenting the hard disk.

Prevents possible intrusions or attacks by hackers, and neutralizes network viruses that try to enter your computer through the Internet.
Anti-spam protection

Protects against junk mail, saving time and resources. The anti-spam protection will keep your inbox free from advertising messages sent massively across the Internet.
Protection against fraud

Protects you against the growing number of fraud attempts on the Internet. For example, thanks to the protection against fraudulent emails (phishing), you can avoid web pages that simulate those of banks or other entities that are really under the control of the fraudsters.
Secure Internet access control

Every time you connect to the Internet, the security level on your computer will be evaluated to ensure you are connecting under optimum conditions. If Panda Internet Security 2008 detects that the configurations is not sufficient to guarantee adequate security, it will suggest the measures to take to correct this situation.
Web access filter

If your computer is going to be used by other people, you can restrict the contents to which they can access when using the Internet. Configure the filters for each user and you won't have to worry about access to inappropriate content.
Protection against vulnerabilities

Protects you against vulnerabilities that could make your computer easy prey to all types of malicious software and hackers. Now you can fix vulnerabilities detected in your computer, giving you even greater security.

Enjoy the wide range of services that we offer. Now you have a whole team of security experts to help you resolve any queries that could arise. In addition on our web page, you can access the latest versions of our products and all the information that you need.

even better...........da shits free.
but yeah these 2 things got me set right now.
valtron not sure what you want me to read? you supplied a torrent web address and not an isp so not following what your saying as you quote my comment on isp's and then dont even give an isp you give a torrent site..you know what an isp is??
Keep it simple. If you are having trouble with Firefox. Dont use it. Try another browser.
It might be that it dosent run well on your PC. I use it but I have a Mac.
Keep it simple. If you are having trouble with Firefox. Dont use it. Try another browser.
It might be that it dosent run well on your PC. I use it but I have a Mac.
firefox is the only option for me. it is the best and all i care to use. windows internet explorer sucks. I dont care much for mac either......dont care to have to look to see if a program is compatible for my shit. I want the shit everything is compatible with. lol
wasnt parania though. It was limewire anyone who has the basic computer knowledge by now knows never use limewire ever as the simple task of installing the software unleashes a ton or viruses,trojans and hijackers. Never use limewire,Bearshare,Napster(now) or such programs. Use torrent sites for downloads that dont use a centralized sharing point needs to be openended so harder to back trace as the files are broken into so many bits coming from multiple end users and not one direct p2p source which is easy to follow and trace. You also need to make sure you turn off the shared folders in the programs and direct it to a specific folder if you want to share otherwise your whole drive is open for sharing and it takes just a few seconds as hackers are pinging away looking for open ports to grab all you have. Thats how people loose thier credit card numbers and social security info. If you did your taxes on your computer then use like limewire without setting the advance share folder features aeverything on your drive is now shared to the world. This is wat happen here. the install left his ports open so an attack was launched to get control of his computer
Sounds like an infection of some kind. Were you running any antivirus software prior to downloading the Panda program?

Easiest way to fix the problem is to simply format the drive and reinstall your OS. Before you do that, make sure you've got a decent antivirus program (not that Panda crap.. AVG is a decent, free, antivirus) and a secure network connection (WPA encryption on your wireless router, turn off SSID broadcast, etc). Most computers come with a reinstall disk and a disk with the driver software on it. Make sure you have these before you format =)

If you don't want to go through all that trouble (it's worth it though.. your computer will thank you), then at least download Spybot Search and Destroy, update it and run it. Do the immunization and all that good stuff. In my experience, Spybot will find and eliminate 99% of infections. www.safer-networking.org

I've never had any problems downloading things with Limewire. The problems arise when you download something and don't SCAN IT BEFORE YOU OPEN IT. The number one reason computers get infected is because the user doesn't have an antivirus program. Period. Second reason is that they have an antivirus program but never use it to scan files before they open them. The antivirus will generally only detect an infection after it's already too late, it doesn't stop the infection from happening unless you scan before you open =)
Limewire is an infection and a scanner wont find what its doeing. It changes your firewalls acceptions via you accepting the install. If you use limewire your machine is already compromise. There is no way around it. limewire is 100% bad. Granted this thread is years old but someone brought it back so I added. No one with any internet savy or computer know how would ever put limewire on thier machine as its a direct easy way to get fined and compromised. i suggest you get that off your computer asap as its the worst thing you can install on a machine. I fix tons of machines from people who dont know better then to install Limewire as it mutats and changes its names and directories so you have to manually find them as scanners wont.Need more veriofication call and geek squad store ask what the number one computer issue is related to and its limewire lol get rid of it
lucky your machine hasnt been taken over or the feds kickin in your door as limewire is now the number 1 target for feds on copyright issues. They have been prosecuting dozens of people the last few months saying they are targeting even the smallest downloaders to make a point and shut limewire down. They are also now putting thier own files up on limewire that will have a song or video but have a auto return program that automatically traces the downloaders machine and account so they have easy warrant access. People dont have to listen but at least i feel ok since I tried to warn ya
Limewire is an infection and a scanner wont find what its doeing. It changes your firewalls acceptions via you accepting the install. If you use limewire your machine is already compromise. There is no way around it. limewire is 100% bad. Granted this thread is years old but someone brought it back so I added. No one with any internet savy or computer know how would ever put limewire on thier machine as its a direct easy way to get fined and compromised. i suggest you get that off your computer asap as its the worst thing you can install on a machine. I fix tons of machines from people who dont know better then to install Limewire as it mutats and changes its names and directories so you have to manually find them as scanners wont.Need more veriofication call and geek squad store ask what the number one computer issue is related to and its limewire lol get rid of it

LOL!! Yeah, because those Geek Squad guys really know what they're doing. (no offense to anyone who may have worked there or knows someone who works there.. I'm just saying some of the people they hire have no formal training and no experience whatsoever).

Look, Limewire is simply a P2P file sharing program. If you know how to configure the software properly (and configure your firewall properly), you should have NO ISSUE WITH LIMEWIRE. Like I said before, a rule to live by is SCAN IT BEFORE YOU OPEN IT. This goes for all files downloaded from the internet or obtained from any source besides the manufacturer or a legitimate retailer.

I've been using LimeWire since it's inception, and I've NEVER had a problem with it. It doesn't "mutate" or "switch directories" or anything like that. The files I download go into a folder, are scanned before opening and discarded if suspected of being infected.

Yes, you can get viruses, etc from files downloaded from people sharing on Limewire. Scanning before you open isn't foolproof, but if you have a shred of intelligence you can probably avoid any serious damage from a malware infection.

Limewire itself is NOT a malicious program, though in the hands of someone completely INEPT I guess any piece of software could become "malicious" (Internet Explorer, Outlook, anyone?).

Sorry for the long post, just felt the need to set the record straight.
Guess your not real savy on computers as what your saying is very very wrong. yes the geek squad guys are dumb but even they know about the limewire issues. Yes lime wire does muatat and hide and uses low level hooks. Your scanners wont find it as its not a virus its an exploit and is hiding in your system reg and yiou have to manually go get them out. Scanning a file with a scanner only catches the basics of what coming in and the same with a firewall. Basic hackers can defeat this easily but a basic user like yourself relies on being told firewall and scanner I am safe. Its so nieve to even think a statement like scanning before you open is fool proof as the biggest issue is you installed limewire itsself thats where the biggest issue is not in the peoples files but the code in the sooftware that you oked to open on yopur machine lol so yeah you wanted to set the record straight but you actaull were completely wrong but as I said if your not into code script and hacks and just a user as it sems you are you dont know enough about this stuff to know any better but it happens to alot of basic users
your definetley way fucking paranoid, 1) your computer is probly just real fucky and could have a virus or some shit like that and 2) you think the cops have time to monitor people watching hash making videos, i dont know wat kinda dank u been smokin but pass it my way bud
ok the issue isnt with the hash video it was his computer was being port jacked by hackers not the cops geesh
so if its not the cops wats he got to worry about, some hackers may have pics of his dope plants, but wats the motive to rat him out, not to mention thier hacking is illegal, just relax
The worry is if I hacker takes control of your system they have all your files. Pictures, credit card info, tax work, they have access to your accounts oh like roll it up or where ever your signed in at. They can now replicate your machine do illegal credit card buys via your machines ip address and use a remote server to steal everything on your machine. There is the risk now that your machine is a hot list machine that is wanted for credit card fraud or other malicious things which seem to come from your computer as they did. To gain control of a machine is very easy as it is built in. thats how techs diagnosis your machine from where they are.Remote Desktop servers are great and dangerous
Guess your not real savy on computers as what your saying is very very wrong. yes the geek squad guys are dumb but even they know about the limewire issues. Yes lime wire does muatat and hide and uses low level hooks. Your scanners wont find it as its not a virus its an exploit and is hiding in your system reg and yiou have to manually go get them out. Scanning a file with a scanner only catches the basics of what coming in and the same with a firewall. Basic hackers can defeat this easily but a basic user like yourself relies on being told firewall and scanner I am safe. Its so nieve to even think a statement like scanning before you open is fool proof as the biggest issue is you installed limewire itsself thats where the biggest issue is not in the peoples files but the code in the sooftware that you oked to open on yopur machine lol so yeah you wanted to set the record straight but you actaull were completely wrong but as I said if your not into code script and hacks and just a user as it sems you are you dont know enough about this stuff to know any better but it happens to alot of basic users

LOL again. Actually, I have several IT certifications and am working on my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I've worked as a PC repair tech for several years, so I'm sure I know what I'm talking about.

I'm far from a "basic" or inexperienced user.
thats weird then as your making a ton or incorrect statements. i also am certified and do pc and electronic repair and code scripting and its basic knowledge withon the tech community what the underlying issues that are asscoiated with lime wire use and no tech worth his salt would even consider that kid program to use. Why would you even have a p2p software program on your system and not be using a proxy based non p2p program like a torrent loader? Might be time for a refresher course as thats very basic and has been common knowledge since before the napster craze
thats weird then as your making a ton or incorrect statements. i also am certified and do pc and electronic repair and code scripting and its basic knowledge withon the tech community what the underlying issues that are asscoiated with lime wire use and no tech worth his salt would even consider that kid program to use. Why would you even have a p2p software program on your system and not be using a proxy based non p2p program like a torrent loader? Might be time for a refresher course as thats very basic and has been common knowledge since before the napster craze

Like I said, I've been using Limewire since it's inception and I've never had, nor even HEARD OF, these so-called "commonly known" problems with Limewire. I use it to download music. Never had any sort of virus related to Limewire, nor does the software itself act maliciously on my machine.

You're delusional.