PC planter stealth grow. First time.



The plant inside the peat pot is looking better now that it was watered. I also checked on the presoaking seed and the root was sticking out of it quite far, so I planted it in another pot. Now to wait till that one sprouts.


okay so here's an update with pictures.

The first plant ( the little short one ) or named "Ganja" by my buddies is coming out with it's 2nd set of leaves after sprouting.

The two sprouting leaves are slowly dying which I heard is normal.

The second taller sprout which looks normal is the seed that I planted Tuesday Night. It's growing tall pretty fast.

Last night, one hour before lights out (12am - 4am ), I saw nothing but soil.

Today at around 9 am is when I opened the case and saw the taller sprout. It's lookin good.

I'm not sure about ganja though. I may have stressed it out a lot.




The second newest plant is stretching A LOT.

It's grown probably half an inch to an inch since the last post a couple hours back.


okay, 2 days pass. The plants are still going GREAT. One of the plants is still like an inch shorter and it's older by a few more days. Idk why?

I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Oh news about the shrooms.. GROWTH showed on the first week!


Everything is going amazingly well.

Ganja is still small and hermie like. Comeback kid is getting bigger and bigger!

mycellium in the jars are spreading.



Here are the pictures of "comeback kid" ( the bigger plant ) which is younger than the little shit. Weird. Anyone know why it's doing this and not stretching at all?

Pictures of the jars with mycellium too.
It looks like there are contams but it's just
wet substrate from inoculating.

Enjoy the pics.

I used a reverse lens method for the super close ups. Not too shabby.. but needs improvements.




Ok a question for anyone that knows about this.

See the little peat pots im using?

Well, some roots are poking through the bottom of the bigger plants peat pot.
Is it time to change medium the medium from seed starter to a different soil mix?

If you know about this, please respond soon!

P.S What size pot should I upgrade it to? Idk the best size for my case.
I want the best yield I can get in there.

I'll also post new pictures tonight to see if I should start LST'ing


Well-Known Member
I`ll try to help out here. Firstly, congrats your roots are growing quickly! As for the size of the pot you should be upgrading to all depends on how long you want to veg your plants. A good rule of thumb is to have 1 Gallon per vertical foot of growth. Given the amount of space you`re limited to, I`d say 1 gallon pot should be fine, or 1.5 gal to be safe. You can transfer the peat pots to the new larger pot full of your New potting mix (ie: potting soil, peat, perlite, etc...) Just be gentle taking the peat pots out, or better yet scoop around them as to not interfere with the roots around the pots.

PS: Square pots are the most efficient at utilizing space :)


Well-Known Member
Soil in a pc case is a nightmare. It makes a big difference to yields so you want as much as you can, but every inch of soil depth is an inch taken off the final height of the plant.
My pots are 5 inches high and only hold 1 litre which is probably the bare minimum you can flower in but my case is only 20 inches high so they still take up 25% of the growing space!
I need a few inches of gap between the light and the plants and also the the lights take up the top 5 inches of the case so maybe 12 inches are used and I only have 8 inches left for growing!
Think about this and buy a pot that's around the same width as your case, around 5 inches high and up to half the depth of the case or you may have some trouble fitting the plants in there.

With that in mind it's never too early to start LST. As soon as I see some sidebranch action my girls get tied up.


Think about this and buy a pot that's around the same width as your case, around 5 inches high and up to half the depth of the case or you may have some trouble fitting the plants in there.

where would i find this kind of pot.. haha


Well-Known Member
Sick man, this has inspired me to try and do a case-grow, this is a sick set-up man and your growin the AK-47 (me favorite). Definatley keepn tabs on this grow man, keep it goin:bigjoint:


Off to have fun and get my tupperware container.. lol

I'll post up some pictures tonight. Everything is looking great.

Thanks for the visit Lunchbox. You should def do a case gro.

It's an experience.


scratch that on the pictures tonight.
I was too stoned and freakin forgot my camera at my friends crib.

Anyway.. I couldn't find any containers or Tupperware good enough to put
comeback kid in. That plant is getting taller and wider. I need to find something quick.


Would the closest dollar store have something you could use?

I will be checking there tomorrow.

I need to get something that isn't see through as well. Don't want the roots exposed to light.

Tonight, I uncovered comeback kid from the plastic bottle and I know have it sitting beside the PC fan which is now on.

I want the stems to strengthen up a bit and the plant to get more co2 circulation.


SO judging by the size of the container and the lights from the top (if I dont move them a bit higher)... I may have like 7-8 inches of vertical grow space.
That's definitely not a lot. Gotta LST that sucker and make the best of it.

My goal is to get a grow like this


If any pros can help walk me through this grow.. That'd be awesome. I believe he got 25g dry as he stated in the comments. He used orange kush seeds and something about adding flora nova bloom at 1300ppm every other day.

I have a 2x2 square screen that I will be adding later when the plant is taller.

I'll try to get my camera and that container today.