PC planter stealth grow. First time.


Well-Known Member
Pistils would be good.
If you look at the stem right where 2 leaves are growing out you will see 2 kind of sheaths pointing upwards towards the top of the plant. The flowers emerge from behind these.


Sorry I haven't been on much lately :p

Been picking up a lot and making use of my good ol bong. I'll post up pictures of it after I clean it.

I passed my finals! On to next semester in 2 weeks.

How's the plant looking? It got big and bushy fast. It's been flowering and it smells lightly skunky. SO FRESH :]

My mom said it actually smells good in here and she doesn't know about it.



Well-Known Member
Looking good man, Im lovin pic 4 it just looks nice and clean, like it just got outta a nice shower. Kepp it up man, and I definatley wanna see that bong.


Active Member
Really looking good, I'm about to start my pc grow just need seeds. Do you mind telling me where you got yours?


Really looking good, I'm about to start my pc grow just need seeds. Do you mind telling me where you got yours?

The attitude seedbank.
Good quality. stealth. FAST. Free seeds.


I promise I'll post pictures of the plant soon. SHE'S LOOKING GREAT. So many bud spots from the LST treatment. Each one growing with with pistils.

There was an issue with the starting of the main cola as 40% of it was burned from the light tilting down. ( duct tape got weak and hot from the light )
The plant is recovering and looks great. My friend said there was a pruning technique that involved removing 80% of the bud when it first grows so the plant stresses more out and faster to make time to bud while in its lifetime.

I changed the lights to 12/12 as well to help the buds.


my mom complains of skunks being around the neighborhood too much and near us. LOL..

I need to fix the smell problem. Thats with Fans OFF too. I don't usually turn them on.



That was a long break.
Sorry. issues and being busy.
and.. LACK OF CAMERA still.


The plant is fine. 43 Days old.

As of yesterday.. some amber pistils formed. So there's about a good 3-4 weeks to the plant till harvest.

I'm not sure what I'll yield since the main cola took a lot of stress from touching the lights a few times.

Now it's tied down and secure, but other bud sites on the plant are looking fatter than the main cola. It's pretty saddening.

The width of the biggest bud in there is probably no fatter than half an inch right now.

I really hope they grow. I want at least a half ounce.


Active Member
Wheres the latest up date? im following this as a guide for my own version, unless someone could kindly link me to similer threads?
btw love it m8 its loooking awsome !


Okay, I've been gone a pretty long time since my first grow.. sorry I left off so abruptly. It was around time for my finals at school and that got me really busy at the time being..
Not only that, I had a rough summer. Got caught smoking outside. Whoooops. Yeah misdemeanor and $1100 in fines, 1 year Court supervision, 40 hours community service. Whatever.. I'm over it and I learned to be smarter.

Anyway, about the grow. IT WAS AMAZING.

I got a yield of 12g out of one plant that was approximately 14". It was so bushy and glazed with crystals. I would have had more but I encountered an issue with the velcro.. Too much heat made the adhesive non sticky and the lights burned half of the plant while I was at school. Good thing my place didn't start on fire. Anyway, one seed, I got my smoke on, my own little girl grown from my hands. I was very satisfied.

It's time to upgrade. I'm moving to organic hydroponics and I'll be growing stealth in a refrigerator. I'll be using the rest of my AK47 seeds, g13 thai skunk and then I'll be buying Reserva Privada - Purple Wreck.

I'm on a budget right now but I wont work half assed. This grow is going to be perfect and I'm going to be putting a lot of time into it for the best yield I can get possible.

I know you might be thinking.. "wait a fridge is too insulated".. But I've planned ahead and I have some good ideas to keep it nice and airy.

I'll be around the forums and I'll relink this thread with my 2nd grow once I've started!

I know you might be thinking.. "wait a fridge is too insulated".. But I've planned ahead and I have some good ideas to keep it nice and airy.
yea i was gonna ask about this. ONLY because I have experienced this before. the fridge created WAY more heat than light. I can show you the pics and everything of my set up. unless you have air cooled lights or a really good heat exchange it might be too hot still. I had heat issues and I was only using one CFL. it would get up to like 90 in the fridge. I have a mini fridge already gutted if you want it. its just chilling and idk what to do with it. I wanted to do a veg/clone box but I just didnt have the time to cut the holes for ventilation fans.

btw I just called you. hit me up when you get this