Well-Known Member
Yeah, v12.. here, the schwag, regs, etc. is often highly compressed and shipped into the US in the tires of 18 wheelers or such. It's not something we see a lot of up north anymore because cacnada is so liberal about weed, now. We see more canadian than mexican, usually. 10 years ago, that was FAR from true. The quality stuff is all locally grown. We have some decent genetics dudes near me, too. A few years back, we had a local variety that was ungodly strong. It was a cross of White Widow and Black Domina called "the fever". Reference to jungle fever. It was absolutely intense. auditory and occassionally visual hallucinations. SEVERE depression and anxiety, though. I talked to the breeder and he killed the only remaining mom of it due to complaints! The shit I've had in A'dam didn't come close to the strength of this. I saved some of that for like 2 years and would add it to joints every once in a while to kick it up a notch, as needed. 
Forgot the point there.. Mex usually has seeds. None of my Cannugget (from Canada) ever has seeds.
Where I am, Cannuggett is usually the lowest on the totem pole. Hey.. at least it's sensi. Now, if they'd only legalize.

Forgot the point there.. Mex usually has seeds. None of my Cannugget (from Canada) ever has seeds.