PC Grow + 69w CFL + Newbie first grow

Ah the luck of the irish :)

i have 3 plants in seedlings trays - at least thats what i think they are called. There is a picture of them - https://www.rollitup.org/attachment...358812195-pc-grow-69w-cfl-newbie-img_0998.jpg.

Im thinking i am going to move those 3 -4 (one in each corner) in a 4L rectangular pot. I did have one that had a weak stem so i braced it up with a twist tie. I thought my lights were close enough; ill try and bump it up a smidge.

I may move to a 24/0 light schedule ; not sure though. Currently, im on a 18/6.

Since i got some leafs is it vegging right now or still a seedling? lol
I think i kept them in their respective pots too long. I thought everything was going along 'normally' and I had planned on moving them to the 4L pot today but when i went to go check on them they were in rough shape. Curling up and shriveled :(

So i went ahead and repotted and made sure to bury the skinny stems in the soil.

When i went to go check up on the one in the 4in i noticed that it had some roots coming out the bottom and one even curling up and around the bottom - Gosh how things change in one day. :wall:

So i decided to put the 3 in the pot and Hopefully at least one survives!.

I totally messed up the one in the 4in pot; as i was giving it some water then realized the roots sticking out; Wet soil and repotting does not work. Hopefully i didnt mess up the roots but it appeared that they were all over the place. I did quite the shitty job. I know these plants are resilient so hopefully they survive mess up.

Next time I would start in a bigger container; Solo cups, 24oz pop bottles or 4in pot
Hey All Another update. Too bad its almost with bad news.

Im down to 2 left. The 3rd Haze did not seem to make it. When i checked up on them today. It looked smaller than the day before; i was thinking heavy stress and i was going to leave it be. I wanted to re-position the thermometer As it was reading about 76-78F with the big pot in and i wanted more of a on the level gauge so i moved it to the rim of the pot. I went to go check up on it once more to see the temp; and it fell on top of it ...:( lol.

I cant have two separate pots in the box unless i find two smaller containers; I have some tupperware containers; but i would think the 4L option is better and hopefully i can have the roots meet in the middle;

When i moved the smaller of the 2 to the other side i buried the stem just a little bit to give it a solid base. The roots were too exciting but i would think it was because of the small seedling container i kept it in. Hopefully it survives.

I am on Day 10 of the seeds being put into soil. I Think i am vegging now; it seems like some people have different ideas of when it starts but i am Day 10 in soil:).

And 216; My lights should be moveable i just need to take out the zap straps and move it up and zip it back up:)

I want to use a rubbermade container or build a proper wood cab for my next attempt. Maybe when i move.

If anyone is interested/. Here are some pictures from today.
^ This little guy did not make it ; look how small it was

The two 'healthy' ones

What they look like now

Does the 'bigger' one look small for being 10 Days old? The leafs look a little yellow i would thing its because of the crazy earthquake i gave them in the past 2 days. Or a N but i think it may be too early for N problems?

Any tips are welcome.

No more touching them for a day or two maybe 3 though. Tempted to leave the lights on for those 3 days. Would 24/0 be better and 'speed' things up than 18/6?
i couldnt resist not looking to see how they were. Lucky i did; One of the plants were almost touching the light.

So tonight was a good night to move everything to where they will be.

Little one isnt doing much hopefully it picks up.

The temps were also a high (92F 32% ) but i think that was because the therm was on the attached to the other panel right next to the light bulb. i have moved it to top of the soil to get a better reading

I added a mini fan as a inline (not sure on size) and it seemed to have helped the temps. The temps are at a 68-85F range now ; i moved the therm to the side of the pot.

They are doing good. im not too sure what 'normal' looks like but maybe someone can tell me how they are doing with the pic below.

Im not sure when i should switch to the 12/12 i was thinking maybe another week or two at the rate the Haze is growing. Maybe it will give time for the blue to perk up.

Should i start to LST the haze (bigger plant) or put the screen in?

Another Update:

Im starting to smell them babies when i put my nose close to them:)

The haze is about 3 in tall (including the leaves) and i decided to LST it a bit. I waited til they needed water ; got the tip from https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/613415-lst-scrog-training-methdz.html ; i will water them tomorrow

i think see some pre-flowers? Is it too early? In one of the pictures you can see the inner-nodes pretty well.
Love the height of this one; it was touching the lights when i was checking on it today

Are these pre-flowers? Sex showing?:)
ITs safe to assume you can back them away from the light just a bit.

Big thing that made me successful is to go with your gut, if something doesnt look right ask around and do a little research.

Looks like a good grow !

I haven't really seen a grow or actually have grown anything before.

I do get what you mean though :) Thanks for the tip; i removed a level and propped the smaller one up a bit to get that closer to the CFL
Everyone says that you can get them really close....But I was actually burning my leafs on my last grow and was getting some signs of heat stress, thats the only reason I would sugest you back them off a bit to let some air in between the leafs and the light.
Good tip

i will take off another layer when i get home.

Question.: When do you do most of your 'work' on the plants? I assumed it would be best to do stuff when the lights are on and leave them undisturbed during the dark periods.

I also have a mini PC fan off a CPU that i have hanging on the bottom of the case but pointing ; too lazy to mount .. i could put it on the soil level.

Also is there a time frame where it is too soon to switch to 12/12?

Ive been reading on the haze and the flowering time is about 6-10 weeks the last thing i would want is to be restricted with the space i have in the PC which isn't much.
Hey RIU,

Here is an update.
They are growing quite a bit. I kinda wish i put a webcam in there to take pictures every hour; that would be kinda cool to see the growth; next one for sure.

I watered them today - it kinda seems like i can wait about 5-6 days in between the waterings.
I have given no nutes yet; just water w/grozyme. The last two waterings were just water, the next one will be with some more growzyme.

Installed the trellis net.

The smell isnt that bad; But it does smell like a great plant :)

It is Day 32 from seed;
Is it too soon to start the flower?

Here are some pictures.

I was going to top them ; not sure if i want too on my first one but in some of the pictures i have a stick pointing to where i think i should FIM/TOP . Can someone just confirm if thats where im suppose to cut?

Is there where i am suppose to FIM/TOP?

Trellis/SCROG net in. In a cab, this net would be great. The netting size is about 3in x 3in I wish i would have gotten a 2x2. But i am using twist ties and bamboo sticks to make smaller squares. Hopefully they suppose the flowers.

*bump* can anyone help answer the question above?

Im going away for the weekend and if i can TOP i wouldnt mind doing while i am away so that will let me leave them alone lol.

I have to water them soon too another day or two. Should i do it pre or post water?
My 2 cents, FWIW, I'd go with LST for a PC grow case. FIM/Topping are better suited when you have lots of vertical space to grow, IMO. If you LST the main stalk to grow horizontally, and keep the main tip lower than the side branches, those side branches all try to become main colas and fatten up nicely. You have to keep the main tip lower than the rest for this to happen though.

If you're dead set on the FIM and SCROG I got nothing for ya sorry, no experience doing either of those yet :)
My 2 cents, FWIW, I'd go with LST for a PC grow case. FIM/Topping are better suited when you have lots of vertical space to grow, IMO. If you LST the main stalk to grow horizontally, and keep the main tip lower than the side branches, those side branches all try to become main colas and fatten up nicely. You have to keep the main tip lower than the rest for this to happen though.

If you're dead set on the FIM and SCROG I got nothing for ya sorry, no experience doing either of those yet :)

^this, just LST.
Thanks for the tips. I ripped out my screen. I could see how it could be a problem down the road.

Do you lollipop (remove lower branches) with LSTing ?

I dont know if i need to go get veg nutes/flower. things seem to be going very well.

i'm gonna go get some 2500K CFL's and flower soon. I may even keep the 3 6500K lights so i would have 6 total.
No, lollipopping and LST'g do not go hand in hand. It's more of a personal preference IMO. The point of a proper LST is to turn those lower branches into something that will produce new colas, so IMO the two are counter-productive to one another. Lollipopping is trying to direct the plants growth to the main cola to get it as phat as possible. LST'g on the other hand is redirecting some energy from the main cola to multiple new colas. Personally I wouldn't do much, if any, trimming once pistils have shown up...so you have time to decide that for yourself still.

You will absolutely need nutrients for flowering. I don't have any recommendations for soil nutrients, as I've only grown in coco so far.

You need 2700K bulbs for flowering.