patriotic american!

Completely irrelevant

Do you know how many fanatical Christians there are who support just as much crazy bullshit?

DD is attempting to paint ~300 million people as terrorists, "15% are radicalized and support violence"

Absurd claim

Now you're claiming it's 1%, so is DD wrong?

Take it up with the Muslim terrorist sympathizers if you don't like the way they characterize themselves. Maybe join the Taliban, I am pretty sure they would be enthralled with your rape fantasies, heck they will probably even bend you over and give you some of that attention you seem to crave.
Take it up with the Muslim terrorist sympathizers if you don't like the way they characterize themselves. Maybe join the Taliban, I am pretty sure they would be enthralled with your rape fantasies, heck they will probably even bend you over and give you some of that attention you seem to crave.
no caramel double-shot espresso lattes in Afghanistan.....he'd never survive.
Take it up with the Muslim terrorist sympathizers if you don't like the way they characterize themselves. Maybe join the Taliban, I am pretty sure they would be enthralled with your rape fantasies, heck they will probably even bend you over and give you some of that attention you seem to crave.

torture is terrorism and 85% of republicans support it.

thus 85% of republicans are radicalized, violent terrorists.
Did a terrorist-loving progressive go crying to the mods because smokeyDan was just a little too formidable in the debates here? Hmmmm, al Portlandi?

nope, i PMed him some gay anal fisting porn and then took a look for his unique username elsewhere on the web, knowing he was just dumb enough to use it everywhere.

he lived up to my expectations of his stupidity.

and now we all know he's into incest.
I used a WiFi Amplifier and sent out a Twitter to #god

God's really old, I bet he has an old dial type phone, a swollen prostate, a yippy lap dog and he drives a 1983 Buick in mint condition with Mrs. God telling him he took the wrong exit again.