patriotic american!

Less than 3 percent of the U.S. population identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual

How is 3% normal?

You're missing the point; it doesn't matter what is "normal" or "abnormal", these are not the standards in which we base our society. If they were, like I've shown you by example, we would be banning levi's, cars, glasses, movies, art, music.. almost everything we have that is not considered "normal" by the exact same standards homosexuality isn't considered "normal". Left handed people.. minorities by definition, etc..

You are cherry picking what to take from organized religion and using the bible as justification because you feel uncomfortable with homosexuality and have no other means of justifying your bigotry without invoking absolute moral authority.

Nothing more needs to be said.

"Not normal" isn't automatic justification for your hate
you sure about that? you got a quote from me to back that up?

because i'm saving one for you princess.
saving one.......LOL. drink Windex, and smother yourself in Sky's immense, yeasty snatch.

38.7% of what I say on here, is drivel. responses tailored to the tastes of hypocritical, butt-hurt apologist statists, such as yourself.
The only purpose of a gun is to kill. That's what they're designed for. The very first commandment is thou shalt not kill. You don't see a conflict there?

Sometimes a gun can be used to deter people that threaten harm. It isn't always used for lethal purposes.

The bible thumpers that kill are I see that point.
yeah, i'm sure your RIU profile is completely independent of the half a dozen other smokey dan profiles across the web.

Looks like you've been pushed down and kicked again. Time to pull out the old COP badge. Good job OFFICER. There will be a little something extra in your envelope this week.
The only allusions to homosexuality being a sin exist in the old testament. If this is true, why to modern Christians condemn homosexuality as a sin?
Ok so it's like this, when I said the OT wasn't important to today's christians, that doesn't mean there isn't anything that doesn't apply.

When I said important, you need to think what is important to Christianity, salvation.

In the OT, salvation came from how well you followed the law of Moses. In Christianity, salvation comes from Jesus dying to cleanse your sins.

Christians overreact to homosexuality. It's a whipping boy. And it makes christians look dumb.

And there are references to homosexuality in the NT.

The important thing to remember about it is Jesus said that the person among us who is without sin can cast the first stone. IOW, heterosexuals are no better than homosexuals.
wrong. the Old Testament is the entire legal basis of your dead rabbi cult. Jesus clearly stated he came to maintain those laws. learn about your cult, before playing theologist.
The laws do not apply.

Jesus entire purpose was to destroy the laws. To remove them from the requirements of salvation.

There are important insights that can be made from the OT. But because of the sacrifice of Jesus, the laws don't apply.

The reason the OT is included is all of its prophecy points to jesus.

What is a sin in the OT is still mostly a sin, with a few explicitly made exceptions. How they are resolved are different.
You are purposefully avoiding my question. You know exactly what I'm asking you and you've avoided answering it honestly for the 3rd time now.

Lets go through this one more time..

I asked why Christians view homosexuality as a sin

You said "because it's not normal"

I gave you many different examples of things, using the exact same standards you are using to condemn homosexuality as "not normal" that wouldn't be considered "normal" that Christians don't protest about and asked you why this but not that?

You said "because it's not normal"

...I said for the third time that even if it's "not normal", a lot of things - using the exact same standards - would not be considered "normal" by Christians and again, your only reply was "because it's not normal", failing to address the many other things I cited that would also not be considered "normal" by Christian standards...

So, according to you, either dan is wrong; that the old testament does matter, because if it didn't no modern Christians would condemn homosexuality as a sin, or he's right, that the old testament doesn't matter, in which case, why do modern Christians condemn homosexuality as a sin (as it's only referenced in the old testament; Gen 22:5-22:8 )?

Avoiding the question for a 4th time is admission that you refuse to answer the question because you don't want to admit a fellow conservative/religious nut is wrong or that you were wrong. One of you is wrong, saying "because it's not normal" again is simply admitting you're both wrong.
You're misapplying my point.

I said the OT was not important, not completely irrelevant.

It is also not the only place in the books that say gay is a sin. It has the most explicit condemnation of homosexuality.

You can't even read a chart, I wouldn't expect you to be able to comprehend the complex relationship between the old and new testaments.

New is primary, old is way secondary.

Christians do overreact to homosexuality though.
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The laws do not apply.

Jesus entire purpose was to destroy the laws. To remove them from the requirements of salvation.

There are important insights that can be made from the OT. But because of the sacrifice of Jesus, the laws don't apply.

The reason the OT is included is all of its prophecy points to jesus.

What is a sin in the OT is still mostly a sin, with a few explicitly made exceptions. How they are resolved are different.
LOL........."do no think I have come to change the laws, or the prophets."
The laws do not apply.

Jesus entire purpose was to destroy the laws. To remove them from the requirements of salvation.

There are important insights that can be made from the OT. But because of the sacrifice of Jesus, the laws don't apply.

The reason the OT is included is all of its prophecy points to jesus.

What is a sin in the OT is still mostly a sin, with a few explicitly made exceptions. How they are resolved are different.
the Old Testament does not apply. well then.....that's not Christianity then.

see: the Gospels, your local Christian clergy
but green eyes are not "normal".

yet usually by 1:30 AM PDT, you are not spouting off about eye colors. hell, you never even spout off about lesbians licking each other's vaginas passionately.

it's always about one thing with you: male on male anal penetration.

why is it that when we talk about homosexuality you always refer exclusively to penises (see above), anal penetration, man anus and the like?
Maybe because that is the only thing you understand.
Read levitacus... then see how many of those laws apply.

The new covenant and all that.
"read levitacus...."

HokeyDan........I have read Leviticus in English, Hebrew, and took a crack at it in Aramaic, in school.
"Jesus" clearly states that he did not come to change ANYTHING that is proscribed in the Torah. he does not promise Peace, but, "fire and sword."

now......Saul of Taursus.........the founder of your cult. he twisted everything, as a part of his recruitment drive. Jesus born on Saturnalia, the end of circumcision, dietary restraints, etc.
Essenic Judaism (itself a by-product of earlier Eastern mysticisms), mixed with Roman paganism, then marinated in Celtic/Germanic what you refer to as Christianity.
"read levitacus...."

HokeyDan........I have read Leviticus in English, Hebrew, and took a crack at it in Aramaic, in school.
"Jesus" clearly states that he did not come to change ANYTHING that is proscribed in the Torah. he does not promise Peace, but, "fire and sword."

now......Saul of Taursus.........the founder of your cult. he twisted everything, as a part of his recruitment drive. Jesus born on Saturnalia, the end of circumcision, dietary restraints, etc.
Essenic Judaism (itself a by-product of earlier Eastern mysticisms), mixed with Roman paganism, then marinated in Celtic/Germanic what you refer to as Christianity.
Yes, very important point you made. Paul is more important to the formation of Christianity than jesus. Paul praises jesus, but puts an entirely new spin on things.

I'm not a Christian, at least that's not why I'm making my points. I was raised in religious schools. I'm not PhD level, but my understanding of christology and christian theology is superior to most.

Jesus can say what he wants, it's Pauls religion, not jesus'. You're right about that.
Also, I don't read the original Greek. .. is it true that in there jesus never mentions an afterlife?

In the kjv and later English versions, there are obvious after life statements implied.

But I've heard there isn't in greek