patriotic american!

Dude, there is a thread for that. Not going to rehash it with you here.

but I got a rhetorical question.

If you were gay, and had a job in a state where that wasn't a protected status.

If you had a well paying job, but thought your boss might fire you if he knew, would you be glad that you had the option of not telling him?

This is a luxury blacks didn't have in jim crow.

And you're a fool.

Shhhhh, You're going to make him flip out.
85% of republicans think torture is just fine and dandy.

i'd say you have the overwhelming lock on extremism.
That sounds terrible!

Until you realize the only way to get that is to expand the definition of torture to include non life threatening, non harming, merely uncomfortable situations.

You torture this board by that definition.

If I can see you the next day and not tell by looking at you if you have been tortured, then you've not been tortured.

Nice canned response.
I got a rhetorical question.

If you were gay, and had a job in a state where that wasn't a protected status.

If you had a well paying job, but thought your boss might fire you if he knew, would you be glad that you had the option of not telling him?

This is a luxury blacks didn't have in jim crow.

And you're a fool.

And that makes it totally not at all like Jim Crow laws, at all
That sounds terrible!

Until you realize the only way to get that is to expand the definition of torture to include non life threatening, non harming, merely uncomfortable situations.

You torture this board by that definition.

If I can see you the next day and not tell by looking at you if you have been tortured, then you've not been tortured.

Nice canned response.

I bet there are many American soldiers suffering from PTSD who would smack you in the mouth for that retarded remark
"hide who you are" does not count as promoting gay rights.
It isn't a strategy.

It's a blessing.

Do you think blacks in 1920's Mississippi would have liked to have the ability to pass as white?

Answer that question or you're on ignore.

If you exist merely to distort, spin and dodge I got no use conversing with you.
No translation required.

it's not required as long as you don't mind not backing up your claim and being seen for the lying moron you are.

most of the racist idiots like you who come to this site try to hide that fact for longer than you chose to hide it.

You do have a good ability to completely distort and spin.

this will be easy.

Obama talks about being Kenyan in his autobiography.
Obama probably had to have said he was from Kenya

notice the distortion and spin in quite racist fashion.
I bet there are many American soldiers suffering from PTSD who would smack you in the mouth for that retarded remark
The Hanoi Hilton went well beyond water boarding and sleep depravity.

Water boarding is getting to that gray area.

Sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation and a whole host of other things are considered torture by the definition there.
If I can see you the next day and not tell by looking at you if you have been tortured, then you've not been tortured.

i guess raping your wife and kids in front of you as you are forced to watch is not torture then.

learn something new every day from these racist republicans.
Buck is right, you are dumber than a bag of cocks

The number of extremists in Islam are a fraction of a percentage of the entire population who practice the faith, and definitely not 10%, you pulled that number out of your ass. The number in the pew research polls I posted are an average percentage who view extremism negatively/favorable, not the percentage of people who would commit terrorist acts in the name of Islam, idiot.

Example; you clearly view this retarded Christian redneck as favorable, are you going to go off and kill Muslims because of that?

The comparison between the two pictures shows how retards of any faith can be brainwashed by religion and nationalism. Both people in both pictures are equally as retarded, and you x's 10 for not recognizing the distinction
I'm an idiot?

Either you didn't read your graph, or you can't figure out what numbers mean.

You have a chart showing suicide bombings acceptability by country.

The country that found it least palatable had 89% say it was NEVER ok. That means 11% fall somewhere between "I do it all the time" and "only if you can get a lot of them at once. "

In some countries of your chart, as few as 50% said never.

So I ask again, can you read your own chart? Or did you fail on purpose?
The Hanoi Hilton went well beyond water boarding and sleep depravity.

Water boarding is getting to that gray area.

Sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation and a whole host of other things are considered torture by the definition there.

Waterboarding is torture whether you accept it or not. The purpose is to replicate the feeling of drowning on the detainee in order to obtain information. It has been well established over decades of research that torturing detainees to obtain information likely yields inaccurate and untrustworthy intelligence, that in turn can realistically lead to the insertion and capture or death of allied soldiers. I.e. obtaining bad intelligence is worse than obtaining no intelligence.

So explain to me again how waterboarding isn't torture?
i guess raping your wife and kids in front of you as you are forced to watch is not torture then.

learn something new every day from these racist republicans.
You could tell on the wife in that scenario.

And i would not approve of that torture, don't think republicans would either.

Clinton might, he was accused of a few rapes wasn't he?

And i suspect it is not something practiced by US intelligence agencies.

People go rogue sometimes. But that wasn't a prescribed method and you know it.
Waterboarding is torture whether you accept it or not. The purpose is to replicate the feeling of drowning on the detainee in order to obtain information. It has been well established over decades of research that torturing detainees to obtain information likely yields inaccurate and untrustworthy intelligence, that in turn can realistically lead to the insertion and capture or death of allied soldiers. I.e. obtaining bad intelligence is worse than obtaining no intelligence.

So explain to me again how waterboarding isn't torture?
I didn't say it wasn't. I said it was gray area, can't you read?

I know you have trouble with numbers and charts, but I said that in plain language.

If it is torture, it isn't in the same league as nails under fingernails.

It is a step above sleep deprivation too, hence the gray area. It might be the most extreme form I would condone only under extreme circumstances, as a last resort. No further.
You could tell on the wife in that scenario.

And i would not approve of that torture, don't think republicans would either.

Clinton might, he was accused of a few rapes wasn't he?

And i suspect it is not something practiced by US intelligence agencies.

People go rogue sometimes. But that wasn't a prescribed method and you know it.

it's torture and you would never be able to tell by looking at that person the next day.

and 85% of republicans are not against torture, so 85% of republicans would clearly rape your wife and kids in front of you by your own logic.

don't blame me for your own shitty logic.
it's torture and you would never be able to tell by looking at that person the next day.

and 85% of republicans are not against torture, so 85% of republicans would clearly rape your wife and kids in front of you by your own logic.

don't blame me for your own shitty logic.
You're an immature little wriggler.

In your hypo the entire family was tortured in one event. If you looked at them all, you could tell by looking at the wife. Vaginal tearing and all.

Of course you apparently don't care about women, and see the husband's exclusive sexual rights to his wife as the only violation, because no, he would have no visible signs.
You're an immature little wriggler.

In your hypo the entire family was tortured in one event. If you looked at them all, you could tell by looking at the wife. Vaginal tearing and all.

Of course you apparently don't care about women, and see the husband's exclusive sexual rights to his wife as the only violation, because no, he would have no visible signs.

why would there be vaginal tearing?

i imagine the rape would be done in a classy fashion as you were forced to watch. no way to tell the next day.

and using your own logic about suicide bombing, 85% of republicans would go out and rape your wife and kids in front of you as you were forced to watch.

sorry that you don't like counterexamples, but they do tend to pop up quite a bit in debate.
It isn't a strategy.

It's a blessing.

Do you think blacks in 1920's Mississippi would have liked to have the ability to pass as white?

Answer that question or you're on ignore.

If you exist merely to distort, spin and dodge I got no use conversing with you.


I'm an idiot?

From what I've read from you that you've posted on RIU, I would say you are. You can't accept criticism, refuse to admit you're wrong about something and take everything as a personal attack when it doesn't have to be. You also chose to go the insulting route first, which is why I agreed with buck in that you are as dumb as a back of dicks

The country that found it least palatable had 89% say it was NEVER ok. That means 11% fall somewhere between "I do it all the time" and "only if you can get a lot of them at once. "

Americans who believe in intelligent design; 42%

Americans who believe in the "great flood"; 60%

Americans who believe the Earth is less than 10,000 years old; 16%

Conclusion; HOLY SHIT! Retarded people brainwashed by retarded bullshit believe retarded shit. Do you think that means that any of these retarded Christians who believe any of that bullshit would kill their kid of they thought God told them to? (Gen 22:5-22:8 ). It's in the Bible, they're Christians who say they accept the word of God... what the fuck is the difference?

Using your logic, all 2.2 billion Christians just turned into terrorists because they believe in Christianity and inside Christianity it teaches that killing your own kid as a sacrifice to God is the Christian thing to do.

OH! Wait!! Not every single Christian believes sacrificing their kid is right?

Well holy shit! I wonder what that means when not every Muslim believes in killing infidels and in fact, most of them abhor it..

Double standards much?