Party Cup Inquires

Dont think I tried that one specifically, there was the paint can though.

If your sayin I broke the rules last comp by having this.
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The I surrender my prize, I dont want ill gotten gains. I thought I was clear on what I was doing but if not, you have the first prize donation for this comp I'll take care of sending to the winning recipient.

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Its a well built light but last I checked their description still wasnt accurate oon the web page, its a much better light than what is indicated. Victor sent me the specs I can relay the chips but not the bins for those interisted.

Let Me Go Back And Research This But I Can Tell I Would Not Have Allowed That Bottom Hose. It Would Be Too Easy To Setup A Wicking System Using Said Hose.
But... But... The Dawg said this was all about skill! Do you dare to contradict the man? I thought only his wife was allowed to do that!

Dawg's first hydro cup entrant looked like it came from Pompeii after the eruption, lol

Yes, it also takes some basic motor skills and reading comprehension to maybe win it.....telling new growers not to bother because of inexperience isn't what @GreenSanta wanted imo== it has always been about having fun and talking smack to each other. Early comps had small/ non-existent prizes for that fact alone and no one cared, was great

If You "scare" everyone off, and it's the same 10 guys each round, does that sound fun? Nope IMO ..... they just want to win some free crap =creates an environment where cheating obviously runs rampant.

Let's talk about luck, I've seen a couple winners taking it all because others with better plants bailed or forgot to post. I included against @jimjim, it was neck and neck! but he had his gear confiscated by the cops late in; I won. Let's just say his light got replaced with an upgraded model by this forum. happy ending I hope for him?

Let Me Go Back And Research This But I Can Tell I Would Not Have Allowed That Bottom Hose. It Would Be Too Easy To Setup A Wicking System Using Said Hose.

who cares? it's over, let him keep his stuff.........he had a good run and deserved it, saucer ain't doing shit
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Great info!
Enjoy reading about the history of other comps.
I would enjoy a larger field.
Last year In the kitty litter comp so many dropped out in the 1st couple of weeks.
Germination rate was horrible.
Newbies with bag seed should practice.

I thought it was going to be the most fun in the flowering phase last comp but to me it wasn't.

The beginning when everyone was germinating and trying to keep their plant alive was the most fun when there were a lot of players.
Watching the plants develop in flower was fun but the comp was much more fun in the early stages trying to encourage new growers.
Dawg's first hydro cup entrant looked like it came from Pompeii after the eruption, lol

Yes, it also takes some basic motor skills and reading comprehension to maybe win it.....telling new growers not to bother because of inexperience isn't what @GreenSanta wanted imo== it has always been about having fun and talking smack to each other. Early comps had small/ non-existent prizes for that fact alone and no one cared, was great

If You "scare" everyone off, and it's the same 10 guys each round, does that sound fun? Nope IMO ..... they just want to win some free crap =creates an environment where cheating obviously runs rampant.

Let's talk about luck, I've seen a couple winners taking it all because others with better plants bailed or forgot to post. I included against @jimjim, it was neck and neck! but he had his gear confiscated by the cops late in; I won. Let's just say his light got replaced with an upgraded model by this forum. happy ending I hope for him?

who cares? it's over, let him keep his stuff.........he had a good run and deserved it, saucer ain't doing shit
LOL, saucer aint doin shit!

Saved my plant. It was drowning, couldnt mix food heavy enough without burn or lockout for the little amount of water it was drinking.

Can I rephrase and say the comp aint for the faint hearted? You gotta be stubborn, I damn near voted for the guy that ended with less than 3 grams!

If the tube out of the bottom of the saucer is illegal, the airstone in the cup should be illegal too imo, but its dawgs comp so his rules.

This was my SOP:
Water/feed in am, drain off excess, I preferered to let it soak in for at leeast 10 min and saturate. Roll out some plumbers putty so the cup will seal against saucer, cup on saucer, kick timer on for air pump. The pump would run 1 or 2 time during the day, water/feed at night with 1 additional cycle overnight. The tube is just shoved into the elbow.
It does. I have a friend that used Xanax to go to sleep and now she smokes my hibernate. Another friend uses it nightly to put him to sleep.
So if I bought a pack how many females would I get... because I definitely don't want any males. That strain sounds intense, I would like to try it out and see if it works on me.
So if I bought a pack how many females would I get... because I definitely don't want any males. That strain sounds intense, I would like to try it out and see if it works on me.
Depends how much time you spend in the dumpster fire that is the gps thread?
10 minutes a day chanses are 50/50, more than that it drops pretty quickly to 1 in 10.
So if I bought a pack how many females would I get... because I definitely don't want any males. That strain sounds intense, I would like to try it out and see if it works on me.
Approximately 50/50 male to female ratio. I popped 5 hibernate seed and ended up with 3 females, 1 male, and 1 hermie. One of the sisters of my cup entry was re-vegged and has been grown out and cloned for the next grow. I'm keeping this strain around for a while.
If you guys are worried about cheating, I have a suggestion... once a week The Dawg posts a random word and the pictures for that week have to have that word written on a piece of paper in every pic. Simple enough.
I agree with this, I also suggest that before winners are determined, that their entry be - Held in their hand or somehow be shown so that everyone can clearly see the bottom of their cup, ie..mid-air, on a clear glass table or such.
I have seen entries elsewhere that were questionable as to whether or not they had a hole cut thru allowing root expansion into to a larger container of sorts...some of em looked kinda fishy is all....especially ones that are in the exact same spot, never moved, for 3 months or so??
Just my thoughts
Wtf? So I can't put 2" of air line in my cup but the hydro guys get 6" of air line, an air stone, and an external pump? What kind of bs is that? Growers skill only? Then make it soil only and no nutrients under cfl bulbs.

And I'm going to use my fancy light because I'm not that great of a grower and need all the help I can get!
You are so full of it!!! Hahahahaha!!! This is going to be fun to watch... Don't know if im ready for this action yet... When does it start? My tent is overflowing with plants right now!!! IMG_20181020_184151.jpg
Dawg's first hydro cup entrant looked like it came from Pompeii after the eruption, lol

Yes, it also takes some basic motor skills and reading comprehension to maybe win it.....telling new growers not to bother because of inexperience isn't what @GreenSanta wanted imo== it has always been about having fun and talking smack to each other. Early comps had small/ non-existent prizes for that fact alone and no one cared, was great

If You "scare" everyone off, and it's the same 10 guys each round, does that sound fun? Nope IMO ..... they just want to win some free crap =creates an environment where cheating obviously runs rampant.

Let's talk about luck, I've seen a couple winners taking it all because others with better plants bailed or forgot to post. I included against @jimjim, it was neck and neck! but he had his gear confiscated by the cops late in; I won. Let's just say his light got replaced with an upgraded model by this forum. happy ending I hope for him?

who cares? it's over, let him keep his stuff.........he had a good run and deserved it, saucer ain't doing shit

Let Me Refresh Brother P's Memory I Won The Second Comp With A Harvest Of 22.6 Grams. In The Early Comp's(2&3) The Host Put Up The Prize Cause In Comp 1 Fero Canada Reneged On Da Prize....... Anyway The Beat Goes On :peace:
LOL, saucer aint doin shit!

Saved my plant. It was drowning, couldnt mix food heavy enough without burn or lockout for the little amount of water it was drinking.

Can I rephrase and say the comp aint for the faint hearted? You gotta be stubborn, I damn near voted for the guy that ended with less than 3 grams!

If the tube out of the bottom of the saucer is illegal, the airstone in the cup should be illegal too imo, but its dawgs comp so his rules.

This was my SOP:
Water/feed in am, drain off excess, I preferered to let it soak in for at leeast 10 min and saturate. Roll out some plumbers putty so the cup will seal against saucer, cup on saucer, kick timer on for air pump. The pump would run 1 or 2 time during the day, water/feed at night with 1 additional cycle overnight. The tube is just shoved into the elbow.

1st Sentience Says Saucer Anit Doing Shit And The 2nd Says Saved My Plant From Drowning.Make Up Your Mind!!!

As For The Matter Of Forfeiting The Prize I Did Go Back And Researched This Subject And On Pg32 Post #627 Is Where It Starts.
Now What I Approved Was Post #632 The Purple Pic. Post #631 Does Show Green Saucer With Something In The Middle But What It Doesnt Show Is That Something Is Actually A Barbed Air Hose Fitting. I Know the Texted Says Green Saucer With Air Hose Which I Probley Over Looked Due To Post#632. Now Had Post#631 Showed The Complete Setup I Wouldn't Have Allowed It.

Now This Competition Belongs To The Competitors. What I Do Is I Try To Keep The Cheating To A Bare Minimum By Keeping The Rules Very Simple And Allowing 2 Basic Setups. I Also Arrange Prizes And Keep The Competition On The Right Track.. As Far As Brother SSGrower Forfeiting His Prize Or Someone Getting The Boot From The Comp That's Put Up For Vote by The Competitors And Only The Competitors Have That Right Not Me.:peace: