Party Cup Inquires

who won the last party cup contest?:bigjoint:
Would anyone be so kind as to recap the winners protocol.... including equipment used, grow medium, and nutrients used. Thank you:leaf::-D
An alliteration trophy you certainly deserve to receive, As that was a delight to read.

In regards to my thread, I don't take kindly to repeating myself ad nauseam. Some times I don't want anything more from certain people other than for them to disappear. Like the person in question.

I'm more than capable of being pleasant and civil and taking jabs of my own. But when someone forces me to repeat the same thing more than three times and still struggles with it while i'm not on the clock... That's not going to be hunky dory.
Well I'm glad you enjoyed it!

As for the rest of it - we definitely don't see eye-to-eye on the issue, but I don't wish to clutter Dawg's thread any more than necessary, so let's leave it at that, shall we?
How many days from planting seed did you harvest... sorry if it has been asked before...
In one of the cups I was in a grower got 105g dry with hydro & external res :shock:....... shit was crazy. I got 9g , lol

The highest legit run I've seen was mc's 46g with soil and liquid miracle grow.

Dawg's first win was with 12g and achieving a true hydro party cup......second win was making most ineligible to participate.

I won with 26g & rols , so it's all a crap shoot.

Genetics and lots of luck wins this with 16oz of root space.

Alaskan growers don't count:)...... it's like their taught party cup growing at birth or something...
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In one of cups I was in a grower got 105g dry with hydro & external res :shock:....... shit was crazy. I got 9g , lol

The highest legit run I've seen was mc's 46g with soil and liquid miracle grow.

Dawg's first win was with 12g and achieving a true hydro party cup......second win was making most ineligible to participate.

I won with 26g & rols , so it's all a crap shoot.

Genetics and lots of luck wins this with 16oz of root space.

Alaskan growers don't count:)...... it's like their taught party cup growing at birth or something...
But... But... The Dawg said this was all about skill! You dare to contradict the man? I thought only his wife was allowed to do that!
The final results are not weight dependant though they did pretty well shake out that way, I got 3rd with 17g and and a couple of js. In soil, dropped 5 seeds had 4 plants 2 of the ones that did't make it were fermented and fed to my entry. Finished with megacrop, kelp, humic and cal mag, watered 2 x daily and the sub aerated saucer for 30 min a few times a day.

My growing skills were very much improved by the competition, I do not recommened new growers attempt it, I hope the dude that had a male he thought was female is still growing tho. I am looking for a male so it is very possible one will be my entry.